Instructions for preparation of camera-ready papers

Dear Author(s)

Please consider reviewers' comments when preparing your camera-ready paper. You must also follow Springer's LNCS formatting instructions (see Default Author Instructions).

There is a strict page limit of 12 PAGES for full papers and 6 PAGES for posters. Papers which are not formatted according to the guidelines, and do not respect the page limit, risk being not included in the proceedings.

You have to email your final camera-ready submission NO LATER than May 30th, 2008 to (with cc: with Subject: ICES camera ready paper PAPER_NUMBER

Springer reprocesses all the contributions, meaning that you have to provide all source files and figures. You should prepare a single tgz/rar/tar.gz file (no zip files please!) containing a single directory with all of the necessary files (and all the necessary .sty files). The name of the directory should be the last name of the first author followed by the paper number (e.g. Larson23). The directory has to contain:

  • Latex .tex file
  • Latex .bbl file (if references are in a separate file)
  • All figures
  • Final .dvi file
  • Final .ps file
  • Final .pdf file
  • all additional files such as special fonts etc.
  • .rtf file if another word processing program other than Latex was used.
  • authors.txt - This file should have one line for each author of the paper using the following format:
    • last_name_of_first_author, first_names_of_first_author; email
    • last_name_of_second_author, first_names_of_second_author; email
    • etc. for remaining authors
    Please mark the contact author with (*) at the end of the line. Springer will email the contact author with the final version of the paper for proofreading sometime in August. The email will come from India and will contain the paper as an attachment.
  • abstract.txt - This file should have the following structure:
    • first line: title of the paper
    • remaining lines: abstract of the paper (in ASCII).
  • A scanned signed copyright form in PDF format with the following filename: last_name_of_first_author-cr.pdf (one author may sign on behalf of all authors of a paper). The copyright form is available from LNCS website.

In case you are unable to provide a scanned signed copyright form, please send it by fax before May 30th, 2008. Fax number is: +420 541141270

Please note that the title of the proceedings is: Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware 2008. Editors: Gregory Hornby, Lukas Sekanina, Pauline C. Haddow

In summary, you have to perform the following no later than by May 30th 2008:

  • Email a single file archive containing your paper (including all source files), authors.txt, abstract.txt and scanned signed copyright form.
  • For each paper, at least one author must register and pay the conference fee no later than by May 30, 2008.

Authors not following the instructions may result in the paper not being included in the proceedings.