Predator  [unstable] git snapshot
Todo List
Global areEqual (const SymHeap &sh1, const SymHeap &sh2)
some dox
Class ControlFlow
support for (non-recursive) call graph unfolding?
Global describeUnknownVal (SymProc &proc, TValId val, const char *action)
make the API more generic and better documented
Global joinData (SymHeap &sh, const ShapeProps &props, TObjId obj1, TObjId obj2, TObjId *pDst=0, TObjSet protoObjs[1][2]=0, EJoinStatus *pStatus=0, Trace::TIdMapper *pIdMapper=0)
some dox
Global joinSymHeaps (EJoinStatus *pStatus, SymHeap *dst, SymHeap sh1, SymHeap sh2, bool allowThreeWay=true)
some dox
File killer.hh
some dox
Class LeakMonitor
some dox
File memdebug.hh
some dox
File plotenum.hh
some dox
Global SymBackTrace::stor () const
consider fitness of this method in the public interface of SymBackTrace
Global SymHeapCore::valGetComposite (TValId val) const
should we operate on FldHandle instead?
File symjoin.hh
some dox
File symstate.hh
update dox
File symutil.hh
API documentation
Class TypeDb
Check if there is a front-end which really needs types to be cloned.
Global Var::initialized
a better API for initializers?