Thesis Details

Virtuální brána pro počítání počtu průchodů osob

Bachelor's Thesis Student: Chudý Andrej Oliver Academic Year: 2016/2017 Supervisor: Drahanský Martin, prof. Ing., Dipl.-Ing., Ph.D.
English title
Virtual Gate for Counting the Passing of Persons

The goal of this thesis is to propose a viable technique of detecting people passing through a virtual line (any opening without a turnstile or other form of the physical obstacle). Two software solutions were implemented to achieve high accuracy. First one processes 2D data output from webcam and the other one processes depth data from the 3D imaging sensor. Both software solutions were deployed and tested in a pharmaceutical storage room, where they achieved the accuracy of 98%. The software proposed in this thesis is thus reliable enough to become the basis of access control and security systems or for real-time evaluation of visitor rate statistics of commercial properties and events. The thesis also contains a comparative analysis of 3 widely used depth sensors.


camera, depth sensor, opencv, python, 3D, 2D, counting, Raspberry Pi, Kinect 360, Orbbec Astra S, Intel RealSence, depth map, object safety, testing, background subtractor, video, computer vision

Degree Programme
Information Technology
defended, grade B
14 June 2017
Zbořil František V., doc. Ing., CSc. (DITS FIT BUT), předseda
Burget Lukáš, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM FIT BUT), člen
Hliněná Dana, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (DMAT FEEC BUT), člen
Matoušek Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D., M.A. (DIFS FIT BUT), člen
Zachariášová Marcela, Ing., Ph.D. (DCSY FIT BUT), člen
CHUDÝ, Andrej. Virtuální brána pro počítání počtu průchodů osob. Brno, 2017. Bachelor's Thesis. Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Information Technology. 2017-06-14. Supervised by Drahanský Martin. Available from:
    author = "Oliver Andrej Chud\'{y}",
    type = "Bachelor's thesis",
    title = "Virtu\'{a}ln\'{i} br\'{a}na pro po\v{c}\'{i}t\'{a}n\'{i} po\v{c}tu pr\r{u}chod\r{u} osob",
    school = "Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Information Technology",
    year = 2017,
    location = "Brno, CZ",
    language = "czech",
    url = ""
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