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The full distribution for Hugs is available on the World Wide Web from:
or by anonymous ftp from
The distribution includes source code, demo programs, library files, user documentation, and precompiled binaries for common platforms. These pages are mirrored locally in Nottingham at

A mailing list for Hugs users is at (hugs-users@haskell.org). To subscribe, send an email message to hugs-users-request@haskell.org. A further mailing list for bug reports is at (hugs-bugs@haskell.org). To subscribe, send email to hugs-bugs-request@haskell.org. Please note that you do not have to subscribe to the mailing list to send a bug report or to see a reply to your bug report.

A bug report form is available on the web at

This form will format and mail a report to hugs-bugs. Please search the list of know bugs on the Hugs page before you submit a report.

An overview of nearly all Haskell related resources can be found at
