=== Top of the Swiki === Attachments ===


The class StrikeFont implements a bitmap font.

Andrew C. Greenberg sent the following additional method for this class to display a font:

'From Squeak2.7 of 5 January 2000 [latest update: #1789] on 2 February 2000 at 7:45:43 am'!
!StrikeFont methodsFor: 'displaying' stamp: 'acg 2/2/2000 07:41'!


Display restoreAfter:

[(Form extent: 440@400) displayAt: 90@90.

0 to: 15 do: [:i |

i hex displayAt: 100@(20*i+100).

0 to: 15 do: [:j |

((16*i+j) between: 1 and: (self xTable size - 2))

ifTrue:[ (self characterFormAt: (16*i + j) asCharacter)

displayAt: (20*j+150)@(20i+100)]]]].! !

((TextConstants at: #TimesRoman) fontArray at: 3) fontDisplay