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NISHIHARA Satoshis's Lisp Interpreter


There is an excellent Lisp interpreter availalable at: Lisp Interpreter

How to start

You need to be in an MVC project for this lisp package to work properly.

(1) evaluate
LispInterpreter open
LispInterpreter fullOpen

Both bring up a Lisp interpreter window, divided vertically into
two panes. You type an S-expression to be evaluated into the upper
pane, select it (like a Smalltalk expression), and then doIt,
inspectIt, etc. With the barebones (#open) window, you have to
use the mouse; the #fullOpen window has buttons for the more
common actions.
(See the class side of LispInterpreter, under examples, for more
examples of usage.)

(2) Results of evaluating an S-expression appear in the lower pane.
Unlike the VW implementation, which is a bit closer to CommonLISP,
this version does not know about keywords. So evaluating somethinglike

(cons :a :b)
results in
* Error: :a is unbound atom

(For those who are not LISP-cognizant, in CommonLISP atoms with a
leading ':' are interned in the keyword package, and are self evaluating.)

(cons 'a 'b)

on the other hand evaluates to the expected:

(a . b)

Happy LISPing.