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User Interface Tips

Implementors and Senders

I mentioned before how wonderful Command-m and Command-n are. Select any message selector and do Command-m to see its implementors (Alt-m on a PC or Unix). Select any selector and do Command-n to see its senders (Alt-n on a PC or Unix) (TPR - right Ctl on an Acorn). It works in any text window.

Spawn Hierarchy

This time, I'm urging you to use two variants of the browser window. In the class list pane of the browser, select a class and choose "spawn hierarchy". A hierarchy browser shows all the superclass and subclasses of a class in the class list pane. Very useful for jumping around and seeing what the class inherits. Try it.

Method Hierarchy Browser

Another great view on code is found in the message list pane. Look at any method, and choose "method hierarchy" from the menu (in the message list pane). It brings up a message list window with the current method and all inherited versions. This is especially useful then the method has super in it, or when you can't remember the inheritance chain, or when you want to see how this methods is implemented more generally by a superclass.

Selector Finder

Many times the question "how do I do this?" can be answered using the Selector Finder. Choose "open..." from the desktop menu, then choose "selector finder." Type a keyword you are interested in in the upper left-hand pane, and accept (cmd-s). In the lower left-hand pane will appear a list of selectors containing your keyword, and selecting one of these will bring up a list of all implementers in the right-hand pane. Selecting one of those will bring up a browser on that particular method.

Code execution

Alt-d - doIt
Alt-p - printIt
Alt-i - inspectIt

All those operate on whatever is selected, or the current line if there is no selection.

Browsing Recent Submissions

The "changes" menu has several options for this. First, you can view the most recent several methods submitted in your image using the "recently submissions" item. Second, you can view all messages logged since a particular snapshot or exit by using the "recently logged changes" item. The difference is that "recently logged changes" will show you changes that happened recently, even if Squeak crashed after you made the changes!