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Squeak Language Definition

This is an EBNF definition of Squeak 2.7alpha -- it should be considered only a snapshot of Squeak at this version. It is NOT a "standard" for Squeak - just a record of where Squeak is now. Squeak was created to evolve - this definition should evolve with it. This document began life as an EBNF translation of the BlueBook railroad diagram of Smalltalk-80 syntax. Please send any comments, suggestions, or corrections to Dwight Hughes [ mailto:dwighth@ipa.net ].

The EBNF used is defined as:
[ ... ] apply zero or one times;
[ ... ]* apply zero or more times;
[ ... ]+ apply one or more times;
... | ... choose one of the alternatives;
"..." use the literal characters enclosed;
( ... ) used for grouping.

method = message_pattern [temporaries] [primitive_declaration] [statements].

message_pattern = unary_selector | binary_selector argument_name | [keyword argument_name]+.

temporaries = "|" [variable_name]* "|".
NOTE: variables are initialized to nil when declared.

primitive_declaration = "<" "primitive:" decimal_digits ">".

block = "[" [[":" argument_name]+ "|"] [temporaries] [statements] "]".
NOTE: As of version 2.6, Squeak has block local temporaries in a somewhat limited form. Squeak does not yet handle blocks as full closures -- block arguments are actually compiled as "hidden" temporaries and block local temps have the same name scope as the method temps.

statements = [expression "."]* ["^"] expression ["."].
NOTE: the trailing "." after the final expression in a block or method is discouraged but allowed; "^" denotes a return expression -- it is always the last statement in a block or method.

brace_expression = "{" [expression ["." expression]*] "}".
NOTE: a brace_expression creates an array by evaluating each expression at runtime. As of 2.7alpha, assignment into a brace_expression is no longer allowed.

expression = [variable_name assignment_op]* (primary | message_expression | cascaded_message_expression).

primary = variable_name | argument_name | literal | block | brace_expression | "(" expression ")".

assignment_op = ":=" | "_".
NOTE: "_" is displayed as left-arrow

cascaded_message_expression = message_expression [";" ( unary_selector | binary_selector unary_object_description | [keyword binary_object_description]+ ) ]+.

message_expression = unary_expression | binary_expression | keyword_expression.

keyword_expression = binary_object_description [keyword binary_object_description]+.

binary_expression = binary_object_description binary_selector unary_object_description.

unary_expression = unary_object_description unary_selector.
binary_object_description = unary_object_description | binary_expression.

unary_object_description = primary | unary_expression.

keyword = identifier ":".
NOTE: by convention keywords begin with lowercase, but this is not enforced by the system.

binary_selector = (special_character [special_character]) | ("-" [special_character]) | "|".
NOTE: "|" may not be doubled in Squeak for a binary_selector, nor used with any other special_character for a binary_selector - bug?

unary_selector = identifier.
NOTE: by convention unary message names begin with lowercase, but this is not enforced by the system.

argument_name = identifier.
NOTE: arguments cannot be assigned to (at least it should be disallowed). By convention argument names begin with lowercase, but this is not enforced by the system.

variable_name = identifier.
NOTE: by convention variable names begin with lowercase, but this is not enforced by the system.

class_name = capital_identifier.

class_variable_name = capital_identifier.

instance_variable_name = identifier.
NOTE: by convention instance variables begin with lowercase, but this is not enforced by the system.

class_instance_variable_name = identifier.
NOTE: by convention class instance variables begin with lowercase, but this is not enforced by the system.

literal = (number | symbol_constant | character_constant | string | array_constant).

array_constant = "#" array.

array = "(" [number | symbol | string | character_constant | array]* ")".

comment = """ [character | """ """ | "'"]* """.
NOTE: a comment may appear anywhere and simply acts the same as whitespace as far as Squeak is concerned.

string = "'" [character | "'" "'" | """]* "'".

character_constant = "$"(character | "'" | """).

symbol_constant = "#" symbol.

symbol = identifier | binary_selector | [keyword]+ | string.

identifier = letter [letter | decimal_digit]*.

capital_identifier = uppercase [letter | decimal_digit]*.

letter = uppercase | lowercase.

character = ("[" | "]" | "{" | "}" | "(" | ")" | "_" | "^" | ";" | "$" | "#" | ":" | "-" | "|" | ".") | decimal_digit | letter | special_character.

special_character = ("+" | "*" | "/" | "\" | "~" | "<" | ">" | "=" | "@" | "%" | "&" | "?" | "!" | "`" | "," ).

uppercase = "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" | "G" | "H" | "I" | "J" | "K" | "L" | "M" | "N" | "O" | "P" | "Q" | "R" | "S" | "T" | "U" | "V" | "W" | "X" | "Y" | "Z".

lowercase = "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" | "g" | "h" | "i" | "j" | "k" | "l" | "m" | "n" | "o" | "p" | "q" | "r" | "s" | "t" | "u" | "v" | "w" | "x" | "y" | "z".

number = ["-"][radix"r"]["-"]digits["."digits]["e"["-"]exponent].
NOTE: the set of digits allowed in a number of radix N is the first N characters of the string '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; default radix = 10, for all others you must explicitly specify the radix;

exponent = decimal_digits.

radix = decimal_digits.
NOTE: radix is between 2 and 36 inclusive (actually, Squeak checks only the lower bound -- you may make the upper bound as large as you wish, but can represent only the first 36 digits of the larger base; numbers entered using them are interpreted correctly however).

digits = [digit]+.

digit = decimal_digit | uppercase.

decimal_digits = [decimal_digit]+.

decimal_digit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9".

separator = whitespace | comment.

whitespace = [space | tab | newline]+.

newline = cr | lf | crlf.
NOTE: Mac newline is cr; Unix newline is lf; Dos newline is crlf; Squeak's standard newline is cr on all platforms.

pseudo_variable = "true" | "false" | "nil" | "self" | "super" | "thisContext" | "homeContext".

special_keyword = "ifTrue:" | "ifTrue:ifFalse:" | "ifFalse:" | "ifFalse:ifTrue:" | "whileTrue" | "whileTrue:" | "whileFalse" | "whileFalse:" | "and:" | "or:" | "to:do:" | "to:by:do:".
NOTE: these keywords are normally optimized/inlined by Smalltalk compilers into tests and jumps and are not sent as actual messages unless you send them using #perform:, #perform:with:, #perform:with:with:, and #perform:with:with:with:.