=== Top of the Swiki === Attachments ===

Code Requests

Nobody should ever be looking for a Squeak project and not be able to find one. Here are some moderate-sized things someone would love to see, but probably won't have time to work on in the near future:

{see also Projects}

Monty Kamath monty@goodstart.com

Lex Spoon wants:

Tim Rowledge wants

Travis Griggs wants

LucianoEstebanNotarfrancesco wants

Pablo Diego Malavolta wants
Elaboration, please?

LeandroCaniglia elaborates: There is a MorphicWrappers package available allowing any object to be included in Morphic. We use that package all the time in our daily work. The package contains some interesting wrappers (ClassMorphicWrappres and BitmappedMorphicWrappers are examples of them) and is a framework inviting you to add new ones. I think Pablo is trying to promote the package.

Peter Smet mailto:peter_smet@hotmail.com wants

Douglas Auclair mailto:dauclair@hotmail.com still wants:

Also, are people delivering products to customers using Squeak? If so, how so? I work in distributed enviroments where other people are doing the GUIs, so a full-blown headless Squeak would be great:

Stephen Pair mailto:spair@acm.org wants:


Transactions, persistence, name spaces etc will all be handled
by CORBA. CORBA should also be able to accessthe native platform,
if the platform objects are compliant.
And you would get the advantage of tying together
objects created with different languages. Multiple people working
in the same image is too Smalltalk-centric...

Sean McGrath mailto:sean@email.ces.ucsf.edu wants page up and down
keys to scroll a text window.

These have showed up in recent Squeaks:

Brian Ewins wants, just for a laugh:

Brian and others, check http://members.xoom.com/squeakos/. This one is based on a Linux kernel (which is not truely ideal for Squeak, but it is an attempt). There is also another project using the OSKit, of which I don't have the link here. It is currently a CLI-based Squeak. Stefan Rieken

John Gardner (gardner@spectranet.ca) wants:

(-- take a look at http://www.indelv.com/open-source-smalltalk.htm, there are VAST and VW versions of a DOM-compliant XML parser: porting these to Squeak should be possible, i think)
Allen Short, washort@samford.edu

Petr Novak (mailto:petr.novak@i.cz) wants:

(This seems to be to some extent included in the Squeak Central Project List).

[Richard A. Harmon (mailto:harmonra@webname.com):


Petr Novak (mailto:petr.novak@i.cz) also wants (separate wish):

see the Squeak and VNC page

Petr Novak (mailto:petr.novak@i.cz) has yet another wish:

(This seems to be to some extent included in the Squeak Central Project List).

Hannes Hirzel would like to see in withing Squeak:

An AVI oder Quicktime movie player. Squeak 2.5 has already a first attempt of a movie player. But the file format is proprietary.

Allan Baruz (mailto:baruz@erols.com) would like to see:

Jared (mailto:slake@punkass.com) would like to see:

I would do this myself but I'm not good with this kind of thing, wouldn't even know where to start.

Thomas Mahler would like to see: