Browser subclass: #ScopedBrowser instanceVariableNames: 'includedCategories excludedClasses includedClasses ' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'MakingSmalltalk-Article4'! !ScopedBrowser methodsFor: 'class list' stamp: 'JRS 12/12/2000 09:37'! classList "Override this method to: * look up the category index from the system category list, as the browser category index is expected to be different than the system category lists index. * reject/include any excluded/included classes Answer an array of the class names of the selected category. Answer an empty array if no selection exists." | categoryClasses | "Use temporary variable here, instead of block variable as I've heard Squeak has/had trouble with block variables." systemCategoryListIndex = 0 ifTrue: [^Array new] ifFalse: [categoryClasses := (systemOrganizer listAtCategoryNumber: (systemOrganizer categories indexOf: self selectedSystemCategoryName asSymbol)). "The implicit logic here, is that if there are both no included and no excluded classes - no class scope was specified - don't reject any classes." self includedClasses isNil ifTrue: [^categoryClasses reject: [:e | self excludedClasses includes: e name]] ifFalse: [^categoryClasses select: [:e | self includedClasses includes: e name]]].! ! !ScopedBrowser methodsFor: 'system category list' stamp: 'JRS 11/19/2000 09:16'! systemCategoryList "Override this method to answer the scoped class categories modeled by the receiver." ^self includedCategories select: [:e | systemOrganizer categories includes: e]! ! !ScopedBrowser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JRS 11/14/2000 09:05'! excludedClasses ^excludedClasses ! ! !ScopedBrowser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JRS 11/14/2000 09:06'! excludedClasses: aCollectionOfClasses ^excludedClasses := aCollectionOfClasses.! ! !ScopedBrowser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JRS 11/14/2000 09:05'! includedCategories ^includedCategories! ! !ScopedBrowser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JRS 11/14/2000 09:06'! includedCategories: aCollectionOfCategories ^includedCategories := aCollectionOfCategories! ! !ScopedBrowser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JRS 12/12/2000 09:26'! includedClasses ^includedClasses ! ! !ScopedBrowser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'JRS 12/12/2000 09:26'! includedClasses: aCollectionOfClasses ^includedClasses := aCollectionOfClasses.! ! "-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "! ScopedBrowser class instanceVariableNames: ''! !ScopedBrowser class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'JRS 11/19/2000 09:09'! openBrowserWithCategories: aCollectionOfCategorySymbols self openBrowserWithCategories: aCollectionOfCategorySymbols withoutClasses: OrderedCollection new withLabelSuffix: 'Unknown scope'! ! !ScopedBrowser class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'JRS 12/12/2000 09:19'! openBrowserWithCategories: aCollectionOfCategorySymbols withClasses: aCollectionOfClassSymbols self openBrowserWithCategories: aCollectionOfCategorySymbols withClasses: aCollectionOfClassSymbols withLabelSuffix: 'Unknown scope'! ! !ScopedBrowser class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'JRS 12/12/2000 09:20'! openBrowserWithCategories: aCollectionOfCategorySymbols withClasses: aCollectionOfClassSymbols withLabelSuffix: aLabelSuffix | aScopedBrowser | aScopedBrowser := self new. aScopedBrowser includedCategories: aCollectionOfCategorySymbols. aScopedBrowser includedClasses: aCollectionOfClassSymbols. self openBrowserView: (aScopedBrowser openEditString: nil) label: 'Scoped Browser: ', aLabelSuffix ! ! !ScopedBrowser class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'JRS 11/19/2000 09:10'! openBrowserWithCategories: aCollectionOfCategorySymbols withoutClasses: aCollectionOfClassSymbols self openBrowserWithCategories: aCollectionOfCategorySymbols withoutClasses: aCollectionOfClassSymbols withLabelSuffix: 'Unknown scope'! ! !ScopedBrowser class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'JRS 11/19/2000 09:10'! openBrowserWithCategories: aCollectionOfCategorySymbols withoutClasses: aCollectionOfClassSymbols withLabelSuffix: aLabelSuffix | aScopedBrowser | aScopedBrowser := self new. aScopedBrowser includedCategories: aCollectionOfCategorySymbols. aScopedBrowser excludedClasses: aCollectionOfClassSymbols. self openBrowserView: (aScopedBrowser openEditString: nil) label: 'Scoped Browser: ', aLabelSuffix ! ! !ScopedBrowser class methodsFor: 'instance creation - Making Smalltalk' stamp: 'JRS 12/17/2000 09:43'! openBrowserForArticle3 "Scopes the browser for Making Smalltalk (, article 3" self openBrowserWithCategories: (OrderedCollection new add: 'Collections-Abstract' asSymbol; add: 'Collections-Sequenceable' asSymbol; add: 'Collections-Unordered' asSymbol; yourself) withoutClasses: (OrderedCollection new add: #ArrayedCollection; add: #SharedQueue; add: #MappedCollection; add: #Interval; add: #IdentityDictionary; add: #IdentitySet; add: #PluggableDictionary; add: #PluggableSet; yourself) withLabelSuffix: 'Making Smalltalk - Article 3 scope'! ! !ScopedBrowser class methodsFor: 'instance creation - Making Smalltalk' stamp: 'JRS 12/17/2000 09:43'! openBrowserForArticle4 "Scopes the browser for Making Smalltalk (, article 4" self openBrowserWithCategories: (OrderedCollection new add: 'Collections-Abstract' asSymbol; add: 'Collections-Sequenceable' asSymbol; add: 'Collections-Unordered' asSymbol; add: 'Kernel-Objects' asSymbol; add: 'Kernel-ST80 Remnants'; add: 'MakingSmalltalk-Article2' asSymbol; add: 'MakingSmalltalk-Article4' asSymbol; yourself) withClasses: (OrderedCollection new add: #Collection; add: #SequenceableCollection; add: #Heap; add: #LinkedList; add: #OrderedCollection; add: #SortedCollection; add: #Bag; add: #Dictionary; add: #Set; add: #Boolean; add: #False; add: #Object; add: #True; add: #Workspace; add: #Person; add: #ScopedBrowser; yourself) withLabelSuffix: 'Making Smalltalk - Article 4 scope'! ! !ScopedBrowser class methodsFor: 'unit testing' stamp: 'JRS 12/12/2000 09:35'! openBrowserTest "Test category scope creation method" self openBrowserWithCategories: (OrderedCollection new add: 'Collections-Abstract' asSymbol; yourself)! ! !ScopedBrowser class methodsFor: 'unit testing' stamp: 'JRS 12/12/2000 09:35'! openBrowserTest2 "Test exclude classes creation method" self openBrowserWithCategories: (OrderedCollection new add: 'Collections-Abstract' asSymbol; yourself) withoutClasses: (OrderedCollection new add: #Collection; yourself)! ! !ScopedBrowser class methodsFor: 'unit testing' stamp: 'JRS 12/12/2000 09:36'! openBrowserTest3 "Test exclude classes creation method" self openBrowserWithCategories: (OrderedCollection new add: 'Collections-Abstract' asSymbol; yourself) withoutClasses: (OrderedCollection new add: #Collection; yourself) withLabelSuffix: 'Testing Scope'! ! !ScopedBrowser class methodsFor: 'unit testing' stamp: 'JRS 11/19/2000 09:21'! openBrowserTest4 "Test instantiating with a non-existant category" self openBrowserWithCategories: (OrderedCollection new add: 'asdfasdfd-ereeff' asSymbol; add: 'Collections-Abstract' asSymbol; yourself) withoutClasses: (OrderedCollection new add: #Collection; yourself) withLabelSuffix: 'Testing nonexistant category'! ! !ScopedBrowser class methodsFor: 'unit testing' stamp: 'JRS 12/12/2000 09:41'! openBrowserTest5 "Test instantiating with a non-existant class to exclude" self openBrowserWithCategories: (OrderedCollection new add: 'asdfasdfd-ereeff' asSymbol; add: 'Collections-Abstract' asSymbol; yourself) withoutClasses: (OrderedCollection new add: #Aadfdfefff; yourself) withLabelSuffix: 'Testing nonexistant class to exclude'! ! !ScopedBrowser class methodsFor: 'unit testing' stamp: 'JRS 12/12/2000 09:35'! openBrowserTest6 "Test include classes creation method" self openBrowserWithCategories: (OrderedCollection new add: 'Collections-Abstract' asSymbol; yourself) withClasses: (OrderedCollection new add: #Collection; yourself)! ! !ScopedBrowser class methodsFor: 'unit testing' stamp: 'JRS 12/12/2000 09:39'! openBrowserTest7 "Test include classes creation method" self openBrowserWithCategories: (OrderedCollection new add: 'Collections-Abstract' asSymbol; yourself) withClasses: (OrderedCollection new add: #Collection; yourself) withLabelSuffix: 'Testing Scope'! ! !ScopedBrowser class methodsFor: 'unit testing' stamp: 'JRS 12/12/2000 09:41'! openBrowserTest8 "Test instantiating with a non-existant class to include" self openBrowserWithCategories: (OrderedCollection new add: 'asdfasdfd-ereeff' asSymbol; add: 'Collections-Abstract' asSymbol; yourself) withClasses: (OrderedCollection new add: #Aadfdfefff; yourself) withLabelSuffix: 'Testing nonexistant class to include'! ! !ScopedBrowser class methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'JRS 12/13/2000 10:34'! version ^1.1! !