The Morphic Implementation

The BorderedMorph class

Every morph providing a border is a direct or indirect subclass of BorderedMorph. A border has a border width and a color specified in the instance variables borderWidth and borderColor.

In the drawing category you will find the instance method drawOn: which draws the border on a canvas.

drawOn: aCanvas
"Draw a rectangle with a solid, inset, or raised border.
Note: the raised border color is generated from the receiver's own color,
while the inset border color is generated from the color of its owner.
This behavior is visually more consistent. Thanks to Hans-Martin Mosner."

| insetColor |
borderWidth = 0 ifTrue: [
"no border"
aCanvas fillRectangle: bounds color: color.
^ self].

borderColor == #raised ifTrue: [
^ aCanvas frameAndFillRectangle: bounds
fillColor: color
borderWidth: borderWidth
topLeftColor: color lighter
bottomRightColor: color darker].

borderColor == #inset ifTrue: [
insetColor := owner colorForInsets.
^ aCanvas frameAndFillRectangle: bounds
fillColor: color
borderWidth: borderWidth
topLeftColor: insetColor darker
bottomRightColor: insetColor lighter].

"solid color border"
aCanvas frameAndFillRectangle: bounds
fillColor: color
borderWidth: borderWidth
borderColor: borderColor.

Subclasses like ElipseMorph override this method to draw themselves with a more specialized border.

You can easily open an instances of BorderedMorph by opening a new Morphic world and selecting <New morph... - Kernel - BorderedMorph> from the world menu.