====== Graph Simulator ====== * Authors: Jakub Varadinek (bachelor thesis, 2013) and Otto Michalička (bachelor thesis, 2016-2017, unfinished) * Requirements: Java Runtime Environment 1.7 (32-bit or 64-bit version of JRE) * Features: * Application with GUI in Java * Language: English, Czech * Algorithms: Breadth-First Search, Depth-First Search, Topological Sorting, Strongly-connected Components, Bellman-Ford and Dijkstra Algorithms * Modes: Graph editing, Algorithm Simulation (stepping, breakpoints, variables) * Download (version for Windows 7/10, maybe works also in Windows XP and Vista, not tested on Linux and Mac) * {{:students:xmicha55:graphsim_2017-07-11.zip|ZIP}} (1.4 MB, version 2017-07-11, includes only JAR files, libraries and examples; you need to install [[https://www.java.com/en/download/|JRE]] to run it) * Installation Notes: * Decompress the archive on your Windows system and execute GraphSim.bat (you need to have Java in your PATH environment variable) * Known Bugs (Please, [[krivka@fit.vutbr.cz?subject=Graphsim Bug Report|send us]] new bug reports as well): * The GUI language cannot be changed into Czech at the moment. * Feature requests (to be implemented in the future): * Keystroke shortcuts (configurable) for control of a simulation mode. * The edge label cannot be moved along the edge, so sometimes the labels are overlapped. * Add a comment to the graph (for example the assignment for students, or the description what the graph represents) - there will be an extra dialog to show/edit the comment. * Extra button in simulation mode to run the algorithm until the end and just show the result. * You cannot dictate the order of edges during the relaxations. ===== Additional Materials ===== * {{:students:xmicha55:gale-segovia17.pdf|Slides for the lecture on Shortest Paths}} given at Segovia, March 16, 2017 (PDF) * Paper describing the theory and basic properties of GraphSim: * [[http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/~krivka/index.php.en|KŘIVKA Zbyněk]]. [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/zs867t534ryl7jl/SEGOBIT-V04-N05-P041.pdf?dl=0|Introduction to Graph Algorithms for Shortest-Paths Problems]]. [[http://www.inf5g.uva.es/sego-bit/|Sego-Bit]]. Segovia: Universidad de Valladolid, [[http://www.inf5g.uva.es/?q=node/573|2017, Volume 4, Number 5]]. ISSN 2386-866X. ===== Screenshots ===== {{ :students:xmicha55:graphsim_screenshot1.png?nolink |Graph Simulator - Editing mode in main window}} {{ :students:xmicha55:graphsim_screenshot2.png?nolink |Graph Simulator - Simulating mode of Bellman-Ford algorithm}}