LTA 2018 is 8th student conference at the Faculty of Information Technology, Brno University of Technology.


Language Theory with Applications 2018 (Logo)

  • Subject: Formal language theory and its applications in computer science
  • Place: FIT BUT, Brno, Czech Republic
  • Date: December 3 - 13, 2018
  • Conference language: English
  • Coverage:
    • LTA 2018 offers a variety of scientific talks on formal language theory and its computer-related applications at MSc and PhD levels. A special attention is paid to modern applications related to the language translation. Most of the talks results from the students' work in the TID and VYPa classes taught at FIT BUT.
  • Style:
    • Talks are presented so they clearly and quickly explain their significance to today's computer science. As a result, in some instances, results and their proofs may be merely outlined in an informal way. LTA does not tolerate presentations that hide their shallow contents behind exotic pictures.
  • Purpose: The purpose of this event is three-fold:
    1. demonstrating the TID and VYPa student work in public;
    2. giving students the opportunity of presenting scientific talks in English;
    3. improving a communication between students and teachers interested in the subject of the conference.
  • Audience: Everybody is welcome to attend this event without any prior notice. There is no payment.

Main Talk: Jumping Pure Grammars

  • Abstract: This talk will introduce jumping pure grammars, which are conceptualized just like classical pure grammars except that during the applications of their productions, they can jump over symbols in either direction within the rewritten strings. We will compare the generative power of jumping pure grammars with that of classical pure grammars while distinguishing between their versions with and without erasing productions. Apart from sequential versions, we will present an analogical study in terms of parallel versions of jumping pure grammars represented by 0L grammars. During the talk, several open problems will be introduced to suggest the future investigation of jumping pure grammars.
  • Date: December 12, 2018, 11:00 - 12:50
  • Room: E112

English: American Pronunciation (in Czech)

  • Speaker: Alexander Meduna, FIT VUT, Brno
  • Title: English: American Pronunciation (in Czech: O výslovnosti americké angličtiny)
  • Note: Repeated performance/Pro velký zájem je přednáška opakována.
  • Abstract (in Czech): Výslovnost americké angličtiny obsahuje některé zvuky, které Čech imituje chybně. Učitelé, včetně rodilých mluvčích, tyto odchylky zpravidla tolerují a spokojí se s touto nesprávně provedenou imitací, pokud je alespoň trochu srozumitelná. Prezentovaná přednáška naopak na tyto zvuky explicitně upozorní a načrtne, jak je vysloví Američan. Prezentace bude mít neformální charakter.
  • Date: December 3, 2018, 13:00 - 13:50
  • Room: A112

Culture Event: Poetry Reading (in Czech and English)

Culture Talk: Rock'n'roll (in Czech)

  • Speaker: Vladimír Janoušek, FIT VUT, Brno
  • Title: Rock'n'roll (in Czech)
  • Abstract: Přednáška se metodou komentovaných videoukázek zabývá kořeny Rock'n'Rollu, okolnostmi jeho vzniku v padesátých letech, i tím, jak se uplatňuje jeho původní podoba v soudoubé kultuře.
  • Date: December 13, 2018, 12:00 - 12:50
  • Room: A112

Conference Schedule

The list of talks in VYPa and TID courses follows.

SESSION 1: Compiler Construction I (Monday, December 3, 2018, 11:00-12:50, A112)

  • Classroom: A112
  • Talk duration: 15 minutes (including discussion)
  • Level: MSc
  • Talks:

SESSION 2: Modern Theoretical Computer Science I (Thursday, December 6, 2018, 11:00-13:00, A112)

  • Classroom: A112
  • Talk duration: 20 minutes (+ 5 minutes discussion)
  • Level: PhD

Invited short talk, 11:00-11:30:

  • Radim Kocman: A Jumping 5'→3' Watson-Crick Finite Automata Model
    • Abstract: This talk introduces a combined model of jumping finite automata and sensing 5'→3' Watson-Crick finite automata. We will compare the accepting power of the new model with the original models and also with some well-known language families. We will also discuss changes in the accepting power when various restrictions are applied on the model.

Regular talks, 11:30 - 13:30:

SESSION 3: Compiler Construction II (Monday, December 10, 2018, 11:00-13:50, A112)

SESSION 4: Modern Theoretical Computer Science II (Thursday, December 13, 2018, 11:00-11:50, A112)

  • Classroom: A112
  • Talk duration: 20 minutes (+ 5 minutes discussion)
  • Level: PhD
  • Talks:

Future Volumes of LTA

Conference history

lectures/lta/lta18.txt · Last modified: 2019/12/02 18:41 by krivka
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