SIMLIB/C++ FAQ ============== Q) Simulation is too slow A) Maybe the problem is calendar implementation (linked list by default). When you have more than cca 1000 processes/events scheduled, try to use _experimental_ CalendarQueue implementation before Init(...); SetCalendar("cq"); Q) Block expression evaluates to bad value A) Possible use of double or int variable double(x)*double(y)*block means Constant(double(x)*double(y))*block you can't use C++ variable in block expression if you want to change its value during simulation (for example the variable Time can't be used -- you should use continuous block T) Q) After Release(Facility) the predicate Facility.Busy() is true A) Yes, the Facility is automatically seized by first entity in input queue and this is done by Release() method -- it means that after Release() the facility can be busy. Q) I have problem with arrays A) check indexes (C++ does not) A2) If you are using GCC 4.9.0, use another version of the compiler. Q) My simulation crashed after end of run A) possibilities: -- bad use of pointers or array indexes -- objects in unterminated Behavior() -- etc... Q) I got SIMLIB error: entity activation in the past A) You probably used Normal() random generator for waiting by Wait(). Normal() can produce negative number. Scheduling event activation in the past is impossible. Q) My simulation does not stop. Debugger shows that it is infinite loop in myEvent::Behavior(). A) You are using old (=pre 3.00) version of SIMLIB. This was bug in SIMLIB. All events (derived from Event) were actually periodic events - you used either Activate(Time+something); to schedule next activation or Cancel(); to stop and destroy the event. Cancel is no more needed in new version (v3). Q) Time statistics (class TStat) reports an error for multiple experiment simulation. A) You should do tstat.Clear() after Init(t1,t2) and before Run(). Those statistics depend on model time, and seting the time in Init() leads to the error message. See in SIMLIB examples. Because Facility, Store, and Queue contain time statistics, you should Clear() all such objects you defined in a model.