SIMLIB/C++  3.07

Bouncing ball example

// Model SIMLIB/C++
// Bouncing ball (combined simulation, v2)
#include "simlib.h"
const unsigned MaxBang = 10; // total number of take-offs
// model description:
Constant g(9.81); // gravity acceleration
struct Ball { // ball model
unsigned count; // number of take-offs
class LimitY: public ConditionDown { // state-event detector
Ball *b;
void Action() { // state-event action
LimitY(Ball * ball):
ConditionDown(ball->y), // condition (y>=0) change TRUE-->FALSE
b(ball) { }
LimitY ylim; // detector object
Integrator v, y; // ball status
Ball(double initialposition):
ylim(this), // detector
v(-g - v * 0.1), // physics
y(v, initialposition) { }
void Bang() { // state event code - take-off
Out(); // output od status before
Print("\n# Bounce#%u\n", ++count);
v = -0.9 * v.Value(); // loss of energy
y = 0; // this is important for accurate simulation
if (count >= MaxBang)
Stop(); // end of simulation run
Out(); // output od status after
void Out() {
Print("%f %9.4g %9.4f\n", T.Value(), y.Value(), v.Value());
Ball b1(10); // ball object
void Sample() { b1.Out(); } // periodic status sampling
Sampler S(Sample, 0.05);
int main() { // experiment control
// DebugON();
Print("# Ball2 - bouncing ball model output\n");
Print("# Time y v \n");
Init(0); // initial time 0
SetStep(1e-10, 0.5); // minstep defines accuracy of detection
SetAccuracy(1e-5, 0.001); // accuracy of numerical method
Run(); // simulation
SIMLIB_statistics.Output(); // print run statistics