SIMLIB/C++  3.07

Bouncing ball example

// Model ball SIMLIB/C++
// Bouncing ball (combined simulation model, variant 1)
// Simple: zero ball diameter, bounce approximated by state-event
#include "simlib.h"
const double g = 9.81; // gravity acceleration
class Ball : ConditionDown { // ball model description
Integrator v,y; // state variables
unsigned count; // bounce event count
void Action() { // state event description
Print("# Bounce#%u:\n", ++count);
Out(); // print state
v = -0.8 * v.Value(); // the energy loss
y = 0; // this is needed for detection when small energy!
if(count>=20) // after 20 bounces:
Stop(); // end simulation run
Ball(double initialposition) :
ConditionDown(y), // bounce condition: (y>=0) from TRUE to FALSE
v(-g), // y' = INTG( - m * g )
y(v, initialposition), // y = INTG( y' )
count(0) {} // init bounce count
void Out() {
Print("%-9.3f % -9.3g % -9.3g\n",
T.Value(), y.Value(), v.Value());
Ball m1(1.0); // model of system
void Sample() { m1.Out(); } // output the ball state periodically
Sampler S(Sample,0.01);
int main() { // experiment description
Print("# Ball --- model of bouncing ball\n");
Print("# Time y v \n");
Init(0); // initialize experiment
SetStep(1e-10,0.5); // bisection needs small minstep
SetAccuracy(1e-5,0.001); // set numerical error tolerance
Run(); // run simulation, print results
SIMLIB_statistics.Output(); // print run statistics