SIMLIB/C++  3.07


// Model SIMLIB/C++
// Wheel on spring with damper model (Version 1)
// System description (governing equation):
// y'' = ( F - D * y' - k * y ) / M
// where:
// M is wheel mass
// y height of wheel center
// D damping coefficient
// k stiffness of spring
// F input force
#include "simlib.h"
struct Wheel { // wheel model
Integrator v, y;
Wheel(Input F, double M, double D, double k):
v( (F - D*v - k*y) / M ), // speed
y( v ) {} // height
// objects
Constant F(100); // constant input force
Wheel w(F, 10, 500, 5e4); // model
// print model state
void Sample() {
Print("%6.3f %.4g %.4g\n", T.Value(), w.y.Value(), w.v.Value());
Sampler S(Sample, 0.001); // periodic sampling
int main() { // experiment description
Print("# wheel --- model of wheel+spring+damper\n");
Print("# Time y v \n");
Init(0, 0.5); // set initial state and time
SetStep(1e-3, 0.1); // numerical method step size range
SetAccuracy(1e-5, 0.001); // allowed (abs.+rel.) error tolerance
Run(); // simulation run
SIMLIB_statistics.Output(); // print run statistics