BEAST is a recursive acronym that stands for: BEAST is Experimental Approach to Structural Testing. The project contains several tools that implement experimental algorithms and models developed at DCS FIT BUT. These are:

vhdl2zbConverts structural VHDL to Zboril's binary files that are used as input for other tools.
disppartDisplays Zboril's binary files content in human readable format.
zb2ruzConverts Zboril's binary files to Ruzicka's formal model and suggests partial scan candidates.
pwrestSimulate the test application and evaluate the power consumption of the circuit during the test application in one of the supported simplified metrics.
permfindOptimize the ordering of test vectors and scan cells in full scan chain (if any) to reduce power consumption during the test application. Also includes the power consumption simulator.

Some deprecated tools were removed from the package.

The source code of all tools has been released under the GNU GPL version 3 or later and is available for download on the download page. Some binary builds are also available.

All tools have a built-in help with usage instructions. The Doxygen source code documentation is available in the source code package.

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Last modification:  2009-11-27

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