Deprecated tools

During the research various methods were developed at DCS FIT BUT and some of them were practically implemented by me. Some of the implemented methods prove well on benchmarks whereas others prove worse. The not well-performing methods were dropped due to complicated support. This page is for historical reference.

partscanSelects scan cells to partial scan chain to achieve good testability. The functionality of this tool was merged into zb2ruz tool.
testverPerforms testability verification. The tool constructs Petri net that describes the test application. The net is then analyzed with INA so the possible deadlocks during the test can be detected. The deadlock removal is not implemented. The concept is based on the Ruzicka's PhD thesis. In the implementation the customized INA binary was used. This tool was dropped due to problematic support (need rewriting) and complicated usability in practice.


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Last modification:  2009-11-27

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