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Source code

All tools are implemented in C++ language with an effort for high portability. The source code was successfully compiled with GCC 4.3 in Linux and Cygwin. The time consuming tasks can be accelerated on multi CPU systems thanks to OpenMP. In order to use OpenMP you need GCC 4.2 or newer otherwise the single CPU implementation will be used. There were also some lexers implemented in GNU Flex (version 2.5.35 tested) and some parsers implemented in GNU Bison (version 2.3 tested). You further need GAlib and Libxml2. For source code documentation the Doxygen is needed and for graph generation you need Dot. The build process is controlled with GNU Automake and during the build process the GNU Libtool is also used. Whole process was successfully tested on Gentoo and Cygwin in December 2009.

Source code (2009-11-17): beast-20091117.tar.gz

Build instructions

make install

The configure script accepts various parameters that can affect the features that will be built. See them with following command:

./configure --help

You can also build the Doxygen documentation with following command:

make doxygen-doc


The following binaries are available for download:

Win32 Cygwin static:
Linux ELF32 dynamic: beast-20091117-lin32d.tar.gz

Simulation library schema

This is needed only if you want to design your own libraries. It is also included in the source package, but you can as well download it here: The RELAX NG and XSD schemas are available:

RELAX NG schema: scheme_lib.rnc
XML Schema Definition (XSD): scheme_lib.xsd


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Last modification:  2009-11-27

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