
This tool incorporates implementation of Ruzicka's PhD thesis. The tool converts Zboril's binary files into Ruzicka's formal model. This model is based on sets and relations. The tool also performs circuit analysis over this model. All I-paths in the circuit are identified by modified Dijkstra algorithm.

I-path is a virtual path in a circuit that can be used for diagnostic data transportation. The I-path doesn't change the transported data (I as identity). Every wire is I-path. The I-path also extends through circuit elements if these elements support the I-mode of operation. In the I-mode of operation the data from the input are transported to output without modification. For example the two input adder has I-mode for input A if the input B is set to zero.

The I-path identification process is time consuming and can be run on multiple CPUs due to OpenMP implementation. The Inverted I-paths (paths that inverts input signal) are also supported.

The tool also indetifies the candidates for partial scan in order to achieve good testability of the circuit.

Example of usage:

zb2ruz -v ami -e ami -o OUT.ruz FILE

The FILE is the base name of Zboril's binary files (without suffix). Ruzicka's formal model will be written to OUT.ruz. The -v switch sets the I-mode description file. In this example the I-mode description file is set to ami.vhc (the suffix is automatically added). In the I-mode description file all I-modes and all conditions needed to set them are described for various elements. The -e switch sets the exclusion file. The exclusion file specifies gates that will be excluded from the analysis. In this example the exclusion file is set to ami.exc (the suffix is automatically added).

VHC file for AMI technology: ami.vhc
EXC file for AMI technology: ami.exc

This utility also supports several switches that affect its behaviour. For up-to-date reference see the built-in help with following command:

zb2ruz --help

More information can be also found in my diploma thesis (in Czech).

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Last modification:  2009-11-27

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