Class ldns_rr_list

Class ldns_rr_list

class ldns.ldns_rr_list

List of Resource Records.

This class contains a list of RR’s (see ldns.ldns_rr).


Concatenates two ldns_rr_lists together.

This modifies rr list (to extend it and adds RRs from right).

Parameters:right (ldns_rr_list) – The right-hand side.
Throws TypeError:
 when right of non-ldns_rr_list type.
Returns:(bool) True if success.

Concatenates two ldns_rr_lists together, creates a new list of the rr’s (instead of appending the content to an existing list).

Parameters:right (ldns_rr_list) – The right-hand side.
Throws TypeError:
 when right of non-ldns_rr_list type.
Returns:(ldns_rr_list) rr list with left-hand side + right-hand side concatenated, on None on error.

Clones an rrlist.

Returns:(ldns_rr_list) the cloned rr list, or None on error.

Returns True if the given rr is one of the rrs in the list, or if it is equal to one.

Parameters:rr (ldns_rr) – The rr to check.
Throws TypeError:
 when rr of non-ldns_rr type.
Returns:(bool) True if rr_list contains rr, False otherwise.

Checks if the rr list is a rr set.

Returns:(bool) True if rr list is a rr set.
static new(raiseException=True)

Creates an empty RR List object.

Parameters:raiseException (bool) – Set to True if an exception should signal an error.
Throws Exception:
 when raiseException is True and error occurs.
Returns:ldns_rr_list Empty RR list.
static new_frm_file(filename='/etc/hosts', raiseException=True)

Creates an RR List object from file content.

Goes through a file and returns a rr list containing all the defined hosts in there.

  • filename (str) – The filename to use.
  • raiseException (bool) – Set to True if an exception should signal an error.
Throws TypeError:

when filename of inappropriate type.

Throws Exception:

when raiseException is True and error occurs.


RR List object or None. If the object can’t be created and raiseException is True, an exception occurs.


>>> alist = ldns.ldns_rr_list.new_frm_file()
>>> print alist
localhost.   3600    IN      A

Returns the owner domain name rdf of the first element of the RR. If there are no elements present, None is returned.

Returns:(ldns_dname) dname of the first element, or None if the list is empty.

Pops the last rr from an rrlist.

Returns:(ldns_rr) None if nothing to pop. Otherwise the popped RR.

Pops an rr_list of size s from an rrlist.

Parameters:size (positive int) – The number of rr’s to pop.
Throws TypeError:
 when size of inappropriate type.
Returns:(ldns_rr_list) None if nothing to pop. Otherwise the popped rr list.

Pops the first rrset from the list, the list must be sorted, so that all rr’s from each rrset are next to each other.

Returns:(ldns_rr_list) the first rrset, or None when empty.

Print a rr_list to output.

Parameters:output – Opened file to print to.
Throws TypeError:
 when output of inappropriate type.

Pushes an rr to an rrlist.

Parameters:rr (ldns_rr) – The rr to push.
Throws TypeError:
 when rr of non-ldns_rr type.
Returns:(bool) False on error, otherwise True.

Pushes an rr list to an rr list.

Parameters:push_list (ldns_rr_list) – The rr_list to push.
Throws TypeError:
 when push_list of non-ldns_rr_list type.
Returns:(bool) False on error, otherwise True.

Returns a specific rr of an rrlist.

Parameters:nr (positive int) – Index of the desired rr.
Throws TypeError:
 when nr of inappropriate type.
Returns:(ldns_rr) The rr at position nr, or None if failed.

Returns the number of rr’s in an rr_list.

Returns:(int) The number of rr’s.

Returns a generator object of a list of rr records.

Returns:(generator) generator object.
set_rr(r, idx)

Set a rr on a specific index in a ldns_rr_list.

  • r (ldns_rr) – The rr to set.
  • idx (positive int) – Index into the rr_list.
Throws TypeError:

when parameters of inappropriate types.


(ldns_rr) the old rr which was stored in the rr_list, or None if the index was too large to set a specific rr.


Sets the number of rr’s in an rr_list.

Parameters:count (positive int) – The number of rr in this list.
Throws TypeError:
 when count of non-integer type.
Throws Exception:
 when count out of acceptable range.


Don’t use this method unless you really know what you are doing.


Sorts an rr_list (canonical wire format).

subtype_by_rdf(r, pos)

Return the rr_list which matches the rdf at position field.

Think type-covered stuff for RRSIG.

  • r (ldns_rdf) – The rdf to use for the comparison.
  • pos (positive int) – At which position we can find the rdf.
Throws TypeError:

when parameters of inappropriate types.


(ldns_rr_list) a new rr list with only the RRs that match, or None when nothing matches.


Converts each dname in each rr in a rr_list to its canonical form.


Returns the type of the first element of the RR.

If there are no elements present, 0 is returned.

Returns:(int) rr_type of the first element, or 0 if the list is empty.

Copies the rr_list data to the buffer in wire format.

Parameters:buffer (ldns_buffer) – Output buffer to append the result to.
Throws TypeError:
 when buffer of non-ldns_buffer type.
Returns:(ldns_status) ldns_status

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Class ldns_dname

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