Code Listener  [unstable] git snapshot
Todo List
File callgraph.hh
some dox
Class ClFactory
proper documentation for ClFactory config_string
Class ControlFlow
support for (non-recursive) call graph unfolding?
Global createClDotGenerator (const char *config_string)
proper documentation of the "dotgen" code listener
Global createClEasy (const char *config_string)
proper documentation of the "easy" code listener
Global createClLocator (const char *)
proper documentation of the "locator" code listener
Global createClPrettyPrint (const char *config_string, bool showTypes)
proper documentation of the "pp" code listener
Global createClTypeDotGenerator (const char *config_string)
proper documentation of the "typedot" code listener
File killer.hh
some dox
File loopscan.hh
some dox
File memdebug.hh
some dox
Class TypeDb
Check if there is a front-end which really needs types to be cloned.
Global Var::initialized
a better API for initializers?