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Outreach Recent Update


A draft of the Events Coordination Policy has been posted to the list. This
policy will be developed in the leadup to the International Youth Parliament
in Sydney in October, which will be used as a test event for the policy. The
policy itself will detail procedures for selecting an Events Coordination
group from within the Outreach Group, selecting events to attend and
selecting delegates to attend these events. A link to the evolving document
will be posted on the Outreach Factsheet. This will be managed by the Events
Coordination subgroup.


As attending promotional events becomes more widespread in the Nation1
Outreach Group, we need to have some sort of legal framework under which our members can operate. This framework will be established in the form of a parental consent letter that needs to be signed before members can attend events representing Nation1. iEARN's Youth Summit Parental Release Form is a good model: http://www.iearn.org/youthsummit/youthrelease.html Nick has suggested that we contact Ms Justine Cassell who managed the Junior Summit: she can be reached at justine@media.mit.edu. This will be managed by the Events Coordination subgroup.



Beijing, China. 10-16 July 2000.
Maitreyi Doshi from India and Alan Wu from Australia have been appointed to attend these two events that will occur in the same place at the same time and are organised by the same organisation. The Conference's attendents include educators involved in teaching in an online environment, while the Summit's attendents will include students who use that online environment to learn. Both events will involve Nation1 promotions (at a simple level involving the distributing of information via leaflets and workshop material) and establish and develop relations with educators and students from around the world. Delegates will meet in Beijing before the conference starts to get a feel for the city and coordinate promotional activities (and have some fun, of course).

Currently we need to get a contact address (Nick?) for the organisers of IEARN to tie up any loose ends regarding the event (could we get a brief of what's already been negotiated on re: this event?) so that we can start planning the trip and any Nation1 presentations. This information was on the website regarding the holding of workshops at the events:

"If you would like to present a workshop at the conference, write a letter to the following addresses. In your workshop proposal, please include the title/topic of the workshop, a brief summary of your presentation, any language assistance you might need, and what kind of equipment you need during your presentation etc. Send your letter to the following email address: zy@mail.online.edu.cn ."

Maitreyi and Alan and the Events Coordination Group should start working on the IEARN events. We will forward a list of things that we need to the Funds Group.


Sydney, Australia. 19-28 October 2000.
Negotiations are underway to have a number of Nation1 delegates attend the International Youth Parliament to promote Nation1 and integrate its services into the parliament. A quota for representatives needs to be established, after which the (draft) selection policy will be employed to fill the spaces. This event will be used as a testing situation for the policy, and the policy will be reviewed after its use so as to determine its effectiveness.

Our contact for this event is Brett Solomon bretts@sydney.caa.org.au. We need to send him a request to find out how many Nation1 people we can have attending, and in what exact capacity (Nick and Mary could you post a brief of what's already been achieved here?). After delegates are confirmed, they, in conjunction with the Events Coordination subgroup, will begin to coordinate travel plans and promotional activities.


The Nation logo and corporate identity needs to be established as soon as possible, as promotional materials will feature them both heavily. The logo must be finished by our launch in October, and a number of options for its formulation have been put forward. Alan is working with Sydney-based firm LKS to get something together. Our contact at LKS is Ian Henderson, who can be reached at ian_henderson@lksdesign.com.au. LKS's contact details are:

55 Berry Street
North Sydney, NSW 2060
Telephone: +61 29 959 4800
Facsimile: +61 29 959 5639

A brief will be forwarded to him later this week.

Tony is also working with a designer on the development of a Nation1 logo. Once a good set of options can be put forward, the batch of logos will go to Nation1 administration so that a final decision can be made. Logo team get active!

Several ideas have been put forward to develop a series of Nation1
promotional televisual presentations that can be used at workshops that we hold at events, or as television commercials (or in our case publish service announcements). A specificiation of what Nation1 will need in the leadup to our October launch needs to be send to our contact at 7 Network here in Australia, Bronwyn Roy broy@seven.com.au, who will handle a significant amount of what is aired in Australia (at least). She has also expressed interest in running the news around to local media outlets (most likely to
include 7 News).

At the moment, current suggestions include:

participating in the governance of their nations / industries with the
spirit of Nation1.

Television Promotions team get a final specification and plan for this
together as soon as possible. Email it to me and I'll send it off to


There are a number of Nation1 promotional opportunities that will involve little preparation, and can be undertaken by individuals without any significant Nation1 assistance. These include a variety of appearances in local media: television, radio, print and the web. While we do NOT want to encourage promotion of Nation1 to potential participants at this stage (though it IS a good idea to promote it to potential sponsors), as we get closer to our launch we'll need a list of friendly news organisations that we can approach and really saturate the media sphere with. All Promotional teams should be doing this right now. We need a list compiled as soon as possible.


A policy for web material to be included on the Nation1 website is being formulated (albeit slowly :) ) based on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's Multimedia Production Guidelines. Alan will finish the conversion and get a copy to the Web promotions team, who can refine / change / scrap it.

So, just to recap, our to do list stands like this:
Refine Events Coordination Policy. (Events team)
Contact Justine Cassell regarding parental release forms. (Events team)
arrangements and promotional activities. (Events team + Mary?)