=== Top of the Swiki === Attachments ===

Browser Autolabeler

The Browser Autolabeler filein automatically puts a meaningful label in a Browser's title bar. It also make Cmd-H open a HierarchyBrowser on the selected class. Enjoy!

Until I successfully get the code on the UIUC archives, cut and paste the filein below.

'From Squeak 2.1 of June 30, 1998 on 25 August 1998 at 5:03:14 pm'!
StringHolder subclass: #Browser
instanceVariableNames: 'label systemOrganizer classOrganizer metaClassOrganizer systemCategoryListIndex classListIndex messageCategoryListIndex messageListIndex editSelection metaClassIndicated '
classVariableNames: 'RecentClasses '
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Interface-Browser'!

Browser reorganize!

('initialize-release' browserWindowActivated buildClassSwitchView buildCommentSwitchView buildInstanceClassSwitchView buildInstanceSwitchView buildMorphicSwitches defaultBackgroundColor initialize openAsMorphClassEditing: openAsMorphEditing: openAsMorphMessageEditing: openAsMorphMsgCatEditing: openAsMorphSysCatEditing: openEditString: openMessageCatEditString: openMessageEditString: openOnClassWithEditString: openSystemCatEditString: setClass:selector: systemOrganizer:)
('accessing' contents contents:notifying: contentsSelection couldBrowseAnyClass doItReceiver editSelection request:initialAnswer: spawn:)
('system category list' indexIsOne indexIsOne: selectedSystemCategoryName systemCategoryList systemCategoryListIndex systemCategoryListIndex: systemCategorySingleton toggleSystemCategoryListIndex:)
('system category functions' addSystemCategory browseAllClasses buildSystemCategoryBrowser buildSystemCategoryBrowserEditString: changeSystemCategories: classNotFound editSystemCategories fileOutSystemCategory findClass printOutSystemCategory removeSystemCategory renameSystemCategory systemCategoryMenu: updateSystemCategories)
('class list' classList classListIndex classListIndex: classListSingleton recent selectClass: selectedClass selectedClassName toggleClassListIndex:)
('class functions' buildClassBrowser buildClassBrowserEditString: classListMenu: defineClass:notifying: editClass editComment explainSpecial: fileOutClass findMethod hierarchy printOutClass removeClass renameClass spawnHierarchy spawnProtocol)
('message category list' messageCatListSingleton messageCategoryList messageCategoryListIndex messageCategoryListIndex: selectedMessageCategoryName toggleMessageCategoryListIndex:)
('message category functions' addCategory buildMessageCategoryBrowser buildMessageCategoryBrowserEditString: changeMessageCategories: editMessageCategories fileOutMessageCategories messageCategoryMenu: printOutMessageCategories removeMessageCategory renameCategory)
('message list' messageList messageListIndex messageListIndex: messageListSingleton selectedMessage selectedMessageName toggleMessageListIndex:)
('message functions' browseImplementors buildMessageBrowser buildMessageBrowserEditString: defineMessage:notifying: inspectInstances inspectSubInstances messageListMenu:shifted: removeMessage removeMessageFromBrowser)
('code pane' showBytecodes)
('metaclass' classCommentIndicated classMessagesIndicated classOrMetaClassOrganizer indicateClassMessages indicateInstanceMessages instanceMessagesIndicated metaClassIndicated metaClassIndicated: selectedClassOrMetaClass selectedClassOrMetaClassName setClassOrganizer)
('label' buildLabelWith: defaultLabel label label: labelString)
('label printing' printLabelPrefixOn: printNoSelectionOn: printSelectedClassNameOn: printSelectedMessageCategoryNameOn: printSelectedMessageNameOn: printSelectedSystemCategoryNameOn:)
('updating' classSelectionChanged messageCategorySelectionChanged messageSelectionChanged systemCategorySelectionChanged update:)

Browser methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'm3r 8/13/1998 02:09'!

super initialize.
self addDependent: self! !

Browser methodsFor: 'system category functions' stamp: 'm3r 8/12/1998 23:57'!

buildSystemCategoryBrowserEditString: aString
"Create and schedule a new system category browser with initial textual
contents set to aString."

| newBrowser |
systemCategoryListIndex > 0
[newBrowser _ Browser new.
newBrowser systemCategoryListIndex: systemCategoryListIndex.
newBrowser setClass: self selectedClassOrMetaClass selector: self selectedMessageName.
Browser openBrowserView: (newBrowser openSystemCatEditString: aString)
label: 'Category Browser: ', newBrowser selectedSystemCategoryName]! !

Browser methodsFor: 'class list' stamp: 'm3r 8/12/1998 14:26'!

classListIndex: anInteger
"Set anInteger to be the index of the current class selection."

| className |
classListIndex _ anInteger.
self setClassOrganizer.
messageCategoryListIndex _ 0.
messageListIndex _ 0.
self classCommentIndicated
ifTrue: []
ifFalse: [editSelection _ anInteger = 0
ifTrue: [metaClassIndicated
ifTrue: [#none]
ifFalse: [#newClass]]
ifFalse: [#editClass]].
contents _ nil.
self selectedClass isNil
ifFalse: [className _ self selectedClass name.
(RecentClasses includes: className)
ifTrue: [RecentClasses remove: className].
RecentClasses addFirst: className.
RecentClasses size > 16
ifTrue: [RecentClasses removeLast]].
self changed: #classSelectionChanged.
self changed: #classListIndex. "update my selection"
self changed: #messageCategoryList.
self changed: #messageList.
self changed: #contents.


Browser methodsFor: 'class functions' stamp: 'm3r 8/13/1998 00:00'!

"Create and schedule a new class hierarchy browser on the currently selected class or meta."
| newBrowser aSymbol aBehavior messageCatIndex |
classListIndex = 0 ifTrue: [^ self].
newBrowser _ HierarchyBrowser new initHierarchyForClass: self selectedClass
meta: self metaClassIndicated.
(aSymbol _ self selectedMessageName) ifNotNil: [
aBehavior _ self selectedClassOrMetaClass.
messageCatIndex _ aBehavior organization numberOfCategoryOfElement: aSymbol.
newBrowser messageCategoryListIndex: messageCatIndex.
newBrowser messageListIndex:
((aBehavior organization listAtCategoryNumber: messageCatIndex)
indexOf: aSymbol)].
Browser openBrowserView: (newBrowser openSystemCatEditString: nil)
label: self selectedClassName , ' hierarchy:'! !

Browser methodsFor: 'message list' stamp: 'm3r 8/12/1998 15:40'!

messageListIndex: anInteger
"Set the selected message selector to be the one indexed by anInteger."

messageListIndex _ anInteger.
editSelection _
anInteger = 0
ifTrue: [#newMessage]
ifFalse: [#editMessage].
contents _ nil.
self changed: #messageSelectionChanged.
self changed: #messageListIndex. "update my selection"
self changed: #contents.


Browser methodsFor: 'label' stamp: 'm3r 8/13/1998 02:46'!

buildLabelWith: streamBlock
self label:
(String streamContents:
[:stream |
self printLabelPrefixOn: stream.
streamBlock value: stream]).! !

Browser methodsFor: 'label' stamp: 'm3r 8/13/1998 02:00'!

^self class defaultLabel! !

Browser methodsFor: 'label' stamp: 'm3r 8/13/1998 02:07'!

^label ifNil: ''


Browser methodsFor: 'label' stamp: 'm3r 8/13/1998 00:14'!

label: aString
label = aString ifTrue: [^self].
label _ aString.
self changed: #relabel.! !

Browser methodsFor: 'label' stamp: 'm3r 8/12/1998 23:32'!

^self label! !

Browser methodsFor: 'label printing' stamp: 'm3r 8/13/1998 03:19'!

printLabelPrefixOn: aStream
| colonIndex prefix |
colonIndex _ self label indexOf: $: ifAbsent: [^self].
prefix _ self label copyFrom: 1 to: colonIndex.
(prefix includes: $#) ifTrue: [^self].
nextPutAll: prefix;
! !

Browser methodsFor: 'label printing' stamp: 'm3r 8/25/1998 16:56'!

printNoSelectionOn: aStream
aStream isEmpty
ifTrue: [aStream nextPutAll: self defaultLabel]
ifFalse: [aStream skip: -1] "Ignores trailing space created by printLabelPrefixOn:"! !

Browser methodsFor: 'label printing' stamp: 'm3r 8/13/1998 01:44'!

printSelectedClassNameOn: aStream
| className |
(className _ self selectedClassName) ifNil:
[^self printSelectedSystemCategoryNameOn: aStream].
aStream nextPutAll: className! !

Browser methodsFor: 'label printing' stamp: 'm3r 8/13/1998 01:45'!

printSelectedMessageCategoryNameOn: aStream
| categoryName |
self printSelectedClassNameOn: aStream.
(categoryName _ self selectedMessageCategoryName) ifNil: [^self].
self metaClassIndicated ifTrue: [aStream nextPutAll: ' class'].
nextPutAll: ' ''';
nextPutAll: categoryName;
nextPut: $'.! !

Browser methodsFor: 'label printing' stamp: 'm3r 8/13/1998 02:52'!

printSelectedMessageNameOn: aStream
| messageName |
(messageName _ self selectedMessageName) ifNil:
[^self printSelectedMessageCategoryNameOn: aStream].
self printSelectedClassNameOn: aStream.
self metaClassIndicated ifTrue: [aStream nextPutAll: ' class'].
nextPutAll: '>>#';
nextPutAll: messageName! !

Browser methodsFor: 'label printing' stamp: 'm3r 8/13/1998 01:45'!

printSelectedSystemCategoryNameOn: aStream
| categoryName |
(categoryName _ self selectedSystemCategoryName) ifNil:
[^self printNoSelectionOn: aStream].
nextPut: $';
nextPutAll: categoryName;
nextPut: $'! !

Browser methodsFor: 'updating' stamp: 'm3r 8/12/1998 23:08'!

self buildLabelWith:
[:stream | self printSelectedClassNameOn: stream]! !

Browser methodsFor: 'updating' stamp: 'm3r 8/12/1998 23:10'!

self buildLabelWith:
[:stream | self printSelectedMessageCategoryNameOn: stream]! !

Browser methodsFor: 'updating' stamp: 'm3r 8/12/1998 23:11'!

self buildLabelWith:
[:stream | self printSelectedMessageNameOn: stream]! !

Browser methodsFor: 'updating' stamp: 'm3r 8/13/1998 01:23'!

self buildLabelWith:
[:stream | self printSelectedSystemCategoryNameOn: stream]! !

Browser methodsFor: 'updating' stamp: 'm3r 8/13/1998 02:55'!

update: aChangedAspect
| pertinentChanges |
pertinentChanges _ #(classSelectionChanged messageSelectionChanged systemCategorySelectionChanged messageCategorySelectionChanged).

(pertinentChanges includes: aChangedAspect)
ifTrue: [^self perform: aChangedAspect].
^super update: aChangedAspect! !

Browser class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'm3r 8/13/1998 00:03'!

fullOnClass: aClass
"Open a new full browser set to class."
| brow |
brow _ Browser new.
brow setClass: aClass selector: nil.
Browser openBrowserView: (brow openEditString: nil)! !

Browser class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'm3r 8/13/1998 00:03'!

fullOnClass: aClass selector: aSelector
"Open a new full browser set to class."

| brow |
brow _ Browser new.
brow setClass: aClass selector: aSelector.
Browser openBrowserView: (brow openEditString: nil)! !

Browser class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'm3r 8/12/1998 23:58'!

newOnCategory: aCategory
"Browse the system category of the given name. 7/13/96 sw"

"Browser newOnCategory: 'Interface-Browser'"

| newBrowser catList |
newBrowser _ Browser new.
catList _ newBrowser systemCategoryList.
newBrowser systemCategoryListIndex:
(catList indexOf: aCategory asSymbol ifAbsent: [^ self inform: 'No such category']).
Browser openBrowserView: (newBrowser openSystemCatEditString: nil)
label: 'Category Browser: ', aCategory


Browser class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'm3r 8/13/1998 00:03'!

"Create and schedule a BrowserView with label 'System Browser'. The
view consists of five subviews, starting with the list view of system
categories of SystemOrganization. The initial text view part is empty."

Browser openBrowserView: (Browser new openEditString: nil)


Browser class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'm3r 8/13/1998 01:59'!

openBrowserView: aBrowserView
self openBrowserView: aBrowserView label: self defaultLabel.! !

Browser class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'm3r 8/13/1998 02:02'!

openBrowserView: aBrowserView label: aString
"Schedule aBrowserView, labelling the view aString."
aBrowserView model label: aString.
aBrowserView isMorph
ifTrue: [(aBrowserView setLabel: aString) openInWorld]
ifFalse: [aBrowserView minimumSize: 300 @ 200.
"aBrowserView subViews do: [:each | each controller]."
aBrowserView controller open]! !

Browser class methodsFor: 'defaults' stamp: 'm3r 8/13/1998 02:01'!

^'System Browser'! !

HandMorph methodsFor: 'meta menu' stamp: 'm3r 8/13/1998 00:00'!


| mClass newBrowser |
mClass _ argument class.
newBrowser _ HierarchyBrowser new
initHierarchyForClass: mClass
meta: false.
Browser openBrowserView: (newBrowser openSystemCatEditString: nil)
label: mClass name, ' hierarchy:'! !

ParagraphEditor methodsFor: 'menu messages' stamp: 'm3r 8/25/1998 15:07'!

"Launch a browser for the current selection, if appropriate"

| aSymbol anEntry brow |
self lineSelectAndEmptyCheck:
[brow _ Browser new.
^Browser openBrowserView: (brow openEditString: nil)].
(aSymbol _ self selectedSymbol) isNil ifTrue: [^ view flash].

self terminateAndInitializeAround:
[aSymbol first isUppercase
[anEntry _ (Smalltalk at: aSymbol ifAbsent: [nil]).
anEntry isNil ifTrue: [^ view flash].
(anEntry isKindOf: Class)
[brow _ Browser new.
brow setClass: anEntry selector: nil.
Browser openBrowserView: (brow openEditString: nil)]
[anEntry inspect]]
[Smalltalk browseAllImplementorsOf: aSymbol]]! !

ParagraphEditor methodsFor: 'menu messages' stamp: 'm3r 8/25/1998 16:44'!

"Launch a browser for the current selection, if appropriate"

| aSymbol anEntry brow |
self lineSelectAndEmptyCheck:
[(brow _ HierarchyBrowser new)
initHierarchyForClass: Object meta: false.
openBrowserView: (brow openEditString: nil)
label: 'Object hierarchy:'].
(aSymbol _ self selectedSymbol) isNil ifTrue: [^ view flash].

self terminateAndInitializeAround:
[aSymbol first isUppercase
[anEntry _ (Smalltalk at: aSymbol ifAbsent: [nil]).
anEntry isNil ifTrue: [^ view flash].
(anEntry isKindOf: Class)
[(brow _ HierarchyBrowser new)
initHierarchyForClass: anEntry meta: false.
openBrowserView: (brow openEditString: nil)
label: aSymbol , ' hierarchy:']
[anEntry inspect]]
[Smalltalk browseAllImplementorsOf: aSymbol]]! !

ParagraphEditor methodsFor: 'menu messages' stamp: 'm3r 8/25/1998 16:59'!

lineSelectAndEmptyCheck: returnBlock
"If the current selection is an insertion point, expand it to be the entire current line; if after that's done the selection is still empty, then evaluate the returnBlock, which will typically consist of '[^ self]' in the caller -- check senders of this method to understand this."

self selectLine. "if current selection is an insertion point, then first select the entire line in which occurs before proceeding"
startBlock = stopBlock ifTrue: returnBlock
"Previous version incorrectly used [view flash. ^ self] instead of returnBlock after ifTrue:. m3r 8/25/1998 16:59"! !

ParagraphEditor methodsFor: 'editing keys' stamp: 'm3r 8/25/1998 16:30'!

browseItByHierarchy: characterStream
"Triggered by Cmd-Shift-B"

sensor keyboard. "flush character"
self browseItByHierarchy.
^ true! !

ParagraphEditor class methodsFor: 'keyboard shortcut tables' stamp: 'm3r 8/25/1998 16:28'!

"Initialize the shift-command-key (or control-key) shortcut table."
"NOTE: if you don't know what your keyboard generates, use Sensor kbdTest"

| cmdMap cmds |
"shift-command and control shortcuts"
cmdMap _ Array new: 256. "use temp in case of a crash"
cmdMap atAllPut: #noop:.
cmdMap at: ( 1 + 1) put: #cursorHome:. "home key"
cmdMap at: ( 4 + 1) put: #cursorEnd:. "end key"
cmdMap at: ( 8 + 1) put: #forwardDelete:. "ctrl-H or delete key"
cmdMap at: (13 + 1) put: #crWithIndent:. "ctrl-Return"
cmdMap at: (27 + 1) put: #selectCurrentTypeIn:. "escape key"
cmdMap at: (28 + 1) put: #cursorLeft:. "left arrow key"
cmdMap at: (29 + 1) put: #cursorRight:. "right arrow key"
cmdMap at: (30 + 1) put: #cursorUp:. "up arrow key"
cmdMap at: (31 + 1) put: #cursorDown:. "down arrow key"
cmdMap at: (45 + 1) put: #changeEmphasis:. "cmd-sh-minus"
cmdMap at: (61 + 1) put: #changeEmphasis:. "cmd-sh-plus"
cmdMap at: (127 + 1) put: #forwardDelete:. "del key"

"Note: Command key overrides shift key, so, for example, cmd-shift-9 produces $9 not $("
'9[,''' do: [ :char | cmdMap at: (char asciiValue + 1) put: #shiftEnclose: ]. "({ and double-quote"
"Note: Must use cmd-9 or ctrl-9 to get '()' since cmd-shift-9 is a Mac FKey command."
cmdMap at: (27 + 1) put: #shiftEnclose:. "ctrl-["

cmds _ #(
$a argAdvance:
$b browseItHere:
$c compareToClipboard:
$d duplicate:
$e methodStringsContainingIt:
$f displayIfFalse:
$h browseItByHierarchy:
$j doAgainMany:
$k changeStyle:
$n referencesToIt:
$r indent:
$l outdent:
$s search:
$t displayIfTrue:
$u changeLfToCr:
$v pasteInitials:
$w methodNamesContainingIt:
$x makeLowercase:
$y makeUppercase:
$z makeCapitalized:
1 to: cmds size by: 2 do: [ :i |
cmdMap at: ((cmds at: i) asciiValue + 1) put: (cmds at: i + 1).
cmdMap at: (((cmds at: i) asciiValue - 96) + 1) put: (cmds at: i + 1).
ShiftCmdActions _ cmdMap.! !

Utilities class methodsFor: 'support windows' stamp: 'm3r 8/25/1998 16:38'!

^ self class firstCommentAt: #commandKeyMappings

"Lower-case command keys
a Select all
b Browse it
c Copy
d Do it
e Exchange
f Find
g Find again
h Set Search String
i Inspect it
j Again once
k Set font
l Cancel
m Implementors of it
n Senders of it
o Spawn
p Print it
q Query symbol
r Recognizer
s Save (i.e. accept)
u Align
v Paste
w Delete preceding word
x Cut
y Swap characters
z Undo

Upper-case command keys (Hold down Cmd & Shift, or Ctrl key)
A Advance argument
B Browse it in this same browser (in System browsers only)
C Compare argument to clipboard
D Duplicate
E Method strings containing it
F Insert 'ifFalse:'
H Browse it using a HierarchyBrowser
J Again many
K Set style
L Outdent (move selection one tab-stop left)
N References to it
R Indent (move selection one tab-stap right)
S Search
T Insert 'ifTrue:'
U Convert linefeeds to carriage returns in selection
V Paste author's initials
W Selectors containing it
X Force selection to lowercase
Y Force selection to uppercase
Z Capitalize all words in selection
Insert return followed by as many tabs as the previous line
(with a further adjustment for additional brackets in that line)

esc Select current type-in
shift-delete Forward delete character

Enclose the selection in a kind of bracket. Each is a toggle.
Control-( Enclose within ( and ), or remove enclosing ( and )
[ Enclose within [ and ], or remove enclosing [ and ]
{ Enclose within { and }, or remove enclosing { and }
< Enclose within < and >, or remove enclosing < and >
' Enclose within ' and ', or remove enclosing ' and '
"" Enclose within "" and "", or remove enclosing "" and ""
(Double click just inside any of the above delimiters to select the text inside it.)

Text Emphasis...
1 10 point font
2 12 point font
3 18 point font (not in base image)
4 24 point font (not in base image)
5 36 point font (not in base image)

6 color, action-on-click, link to class comment, link to method, url
Brings up a menu. To remove these properties, select
more than the active part and then use command-0.

7 bold
8 italic
9 narrow (same as negative kern)
0 plain text (resets all emphasis)
  • underlined (toggles it)
	struck out (toggles it)





Executable statements after this comment quote..."

ParagraphEditor initialize.!