The Squeak System

To Shrink Squeak

Squeak includes a Smalltalk simulation of the interpreter and a translator to C. Together these can generate complete C source code for the interpreter. If you take advantage of this capability to port the system to other platforms, we would like to hear about it. If this is not of interest to you, you can save a fair amount of space by executing the following statements:

CCodeGenerator removeCompilerMethods.
SystemOrganization removeSystemCategory: 'Squeak Interpreter'.
SystemOrganization removeSystemCategory: 'Translation to C'.

Similarly, if you are not interested in HyperSqueak, you can save more space by executing the following statement:

Smalltalk removeHyperSqueakFromSystem

If you elect to remove either or both of the systems above (or any other parts of Squeak that you don't need), executing the following two statements will reclaim memory space and file space released by the deletions:

Symbol rehash.
Smalltalk condenseChanges.

[Note that the latter will also remove all old versions of methods you may have changed]
Much more can be stripped out of this image (for instance a number of classes in the Graphics Editors category. We hope to provide some tools for doing so in the future (there are several in SystemDictionary) but, for now, you are on your own.Want to build a big system? Just give Squeak a big allocation in the interpreter's Get-Info window, up to whatever amount of memory you have available.

Version 2.0 only requires Smalltalk minorShrink to get back a fair amount of space.