The Story of Squeak


[Anim96] Animorphic Systems, Exhibit at OOPSLA '96. 
         Animorphic Systems was a small company that included
         several members of the Self team and
         produced extremely high performance virtual machines for
         Smalltalk and Java. The company has since been purchased by Sun

[Atki86] Atkinson, R., "Hurricane: An Optimizing Compiler for Smalltalk,"
         Proc. of the ACM OOPSLA '86 conf., September 1986, pp. 151-158.

[BrGr93] Bracha, G. and Griswold, D., "Strongtalk: Typechecking Smalltalk
         in a Production Environment," Proc. of the ACM OOPSLA '93 conf.,
         September 1993.

[Ball86] Ballard, M., Maier, D., and Wirffs-Brock, A., 
         "QUICKTALK: A Smalltalk-80 Dialect for
         Defining Primitive Methods," Proc. of the ACM OOPSLA '86
         conf., September 1986, pp. 140-150. 

[ChUn91] Chambers, C. and Ungar, D., "Making Pure 
         Object-Oriented Languages Practical," Proc. of the ACM OOPSLA
         '91 conf., November 1991, pp. 1-15. 

[Cox87]  Cox, B. and Schmucker, K.,
         "Producer: A Tool for Translating Smalltalk-80 to
         Objective-C," Proc. of the ACM OOPSLA '87 conf., October
         1987, pp. 423-429.

[Deut84] Deutsch, L., and Schiffman, A.,
         "Efficient Implementation of the Smalltalk-80 System,"
         Proc. 11th ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages,
         January 1984, pp. 297-302.

[Gitt95] Gittinger, Claus,
         Smalltalk/X, 1995.

[Gold83] Goldberg, A. and Robson, D., Smalltalk-80: The Language and Its
         Implementation, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA,1983.

[Hölz94] Hölzle, U., Adaptive optimization for Self: Reconciling High
         Performance with Exploratory Programming, Ph.D. Thesis, Computer
         Science Department, Stanford University, 1994.

[Inga78] Ingalls, D., "The Smalltalk-76 Programming System, Design and
         Implementation" Proc. 5th ACM Symposium on Principles of
         Programming Languages, Tucson, January 1978.

[Inga88] Ingalls, D., Wallace, S., Chow, Y., Ludolph, F., and Doyle, K.,
         "Fabrik: A Visual Programming Environment," Proc. of
         the ACM OOPSLA '88 conf., September 1988, pp. 176-190.

[JGZ88]  Johnson, R., Graver, J., and Zurawski, L.,"TS: An Optimizing
         Compiler for Smalltalk," Proc. of the ACM OOPSLA '88 conf.,
         September 1988, pp. 18-26.

[Kaeh86] Kaehler, Ted, "Virtual
         Memory on a Narrow Machine for an Object-Oriented Language,"
         Proc. of the ACM OOPSLA '86 conf., September 1986, pp. 87-106.
[Kras83] Krasner, G., ed., Smalltalk-80, Bits of History, Words
         of Advice, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA,1983.

[Malo95] Maloney, J. and Smith, R., "Directness and Liveness
         in the Morphic User Interface Construction Environment," 
         UIST '95, November 1995.

[Mira87] Miranda, E., "BrouHaHa—A Portable
         Smalltalk Interpreter," Proc. of the ACM OOPSLA '87 conf.,
         October 1987, pp. 354-365.

[MWH94] Moore, I., Wolczko, M., and
        Hopkins, T., "Babel—A Translator from Smalltalk into
        CLOS," TOOLS USA 1994, Prentice Hall, 1994.

[Saun77] Saunders, S., "Improved FM Audio Synthesis Methods for
         Real-time Digital Music Generation," in Computer Music
         Journal 1:1, February 1977. Reprinted in Computer Music, Roads,
         C. and Strawn, J., eds., MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1985.

[Unga84] Ungar, D.,"Generation Scavenging: A Non-Disruptive High
         Performance Storage Reclamation Algorithm," Proc. ACM
         Symposium on Practical Software Development Environments, April
         1984, pp. 157-167. Also published as ACM SIGPLAN Notices 19(5),
         May 1984 and ACM Software Engineering Notes 9(3), May 1984.

[UnJa88] Ungar, D. and Jackson, F.,"Tenuring Policies for
         Generation-Based Storage Reclamation," Proc. of the ACM
         OOPSLA '88 conf., September 1988, pp. 18-26.

[YaDo95] Yasumatsu, K. and Doi, N., "SPiCE: A System for Translating
          Programs Into a C Environment," IEEE Transactions on
          Software Engineering 21(11), 1995, pp. 902-912.