ECI2017 Bayesian Models class Assignment

In this assignment, your task will be to implement and analyze Variational Bayesian (VB) inference for Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) as described in the slides on Approximate Inference in Bayesian Models. The preferred and easiest way of accomplishing this task is to complete this Jupyter Notebook, which already comes with training data definition and a code for Maximum Likelihood (ML) training of a contrastive GMM system. If you do not have any experience with Jupyter Notebook, the easiest way to start is to install Anaconda2, run Jupyter Notebook and open the notebook downloaded from You can also benefit from reusing pieces of code from the Jupyter Notebooks provided for this class, namely: bayesian_inference_for_gaussian.ipynb and gs_gmm_training.ipynb.

The following cell contains a code with the definition of training data and the contrastive system training. You should no edit this part! The code does the following:

  1. We "handcraft" a GMM (i.e. define GMM parameters) with 4 Gaussian components, which represents the "true distribution" of training data.
  2. We have pre-generated training data from this GMM (see definition of variable x), so that everyone works with exactly the same data.
  3. GMM with C=6 components is trained on the training data using ML training (the standard EM algorithm). You will use this GMM as a contrastive model. You will compare it to your implementation of VB GMM.
  4. The following plots are made:
    • The true training data distribution (in grey).
    • The training observation generated from this true GMM (black + at the x axis).
    • The ML GMM estimate obtained using the EM algorithm (in black)
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as sps
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.misc import logsumexp
from scipy.special import digamma
%matplotlib inline 
#%matplotlib qt5 #get an extra window for the plots
plt.rcParams.update({'figure.figsize': (10.0, 8.0), 'font.size': 18}) #Make the plots bigger

def GMM_pdf(x, mus, vars, pis):
  # Function for evaluating univariate GMM at values given by vector 'x'
  # 'mus', 'vars', 'pis' are vectors of means, variances and weights of individual Gaussian components
  # 'x[:,np.newaxis]' makes 'x' column vector to evaluate every coefficient of 'x' w.r.t. every Gaussian
  # component (row vectors 'mus' and 'vars') at once
  return sps.norm.pdf(x[:,np.newaxis], mus, np.sqrt(vars)).dot(pis) 

#1. Handcraft some GMM parameter 
mus_true = [-4.0, 0.0, 4.0, 5]
vars_true = [1.0, 1.96, 1.44, 1]
pis_true = [0.1, 0.4, 0.2, 0.3]

#2. Pregenerated N datapoints from the GMM distribution above 
x=np.array([ -3.07371088e+00, -4.14348725e+00, -3.01490821e+00, -3.54303388e+00, -3.48708234e+00, -3.59262207e+00,
 -5.76100178e+00, -5.02726789e+00, 8.28817153e-04, 4.99898450e-01, 2.83745605e-01, 6.71947042e-01,
 7.66679495e-01, 6.96995763e-01, 1.33546855e+00, 6.03847649e-01, -1.05992122e+00, 2.91024229e+00,
 -2.12682520e+00, 8.33533885e-01, 1.77147857e+00, 7.37629536e-01, -1.25040836e+00, 1.87318623e+00,
 -4.14582880e-01, 5.05680493e-01, 1.63091140e+00, 6.63219549e-01, -3.30841863e-01, -1.21874646e+00,
 2.64384057e+00, -4.32674840e-01, -1.79034947e+00, 3.13567565e-01, -5.43911715e-01, 2.28572951e+00,
 9.55653291e-01, -5.43582974e-01, -2.73850574e-01, -1.50383720e+00, 1.15925073e-01, 3.92541838e+00,
 -1.57267817e+00, 4.43581114e-01, -8.11856886e-01, 2.62442641e+00, -4.36298436e-01, -6.72286580e-01,
 1.52223784e+00, 1.25033658e+00, 4.88645989e+00, 2.96110183e+00, 4.74249957e+00, 2.17531545e+00,
 3.43072143e+00, 3.49315547e+00, 2.51223591e+00, 2.55369053e+00, 2.93122261e+00, 6.40247818e+00,
 5.12748233e+00, 4.08277439e+00, 4.96716209e+00, 1.56304959e+00, 4.31869585e+00, 2.07957592e+00,
 4.56265393e+00, 3.74342366e+00, 4.36177483e+00, 5.21824922e+00, 4.94100019e+00, 4.70062989e+00,
 6.12111884e+00, 6.69125720e+00, 5.03104495e+00, 5.72199065e+00, 4.29367941e+00, 3.72747772e+00,
 4.41461701e+00, 5.48741263e+00, 4.56782193e+00, 6.45701533e+00, 5.49118936e+00, 4.25947605e+00,
 3.39235348e+00, 4.10586407e+00, 2.76696554e+00, 6.66059909e+00, 6.00107916e+00, 5.92828295e+00,
 4.97460855e+00, 2.77746143e+00, 2.99416076e+00, 5.24459233e+00, 6.44720235e+00, 4.71084807e+00,
 5.62475093e+00, 3.76422931e+00, 5.79482964e+00, 5.11432194e+00])

#3. Choose some initial GMM parameters for EM training
C = 6                             # number of GMM components 
mus_ml = x[:C]                    # We choose few first observations as the initial means
vars_ml = np.repeat(np.var(x), C) # Variances for all components are set to the global variance of the training data
pis_ml = np.ones(C)/C             # All component weights are set to the same value 1/C

#EM algorithm for ML GMM training
for _ in range(1000):
  log_p_xz = sps.norm.logpdf(x[:,np.newaxis], mus_ml, np.sqrt(vars_ml)) + np.log(pis_ml)
  log_p_x  = logsumexp(log_p_xz, axis=1, keepdims=True)
  gammas = np.exp(log_p_xz - log_p_x)
  Nc = gammas.sum(axis=0)
  mus_ml  = / Nc
  vars_ml =  (x**2).dot(gammas) / Nc - mus_ml**2
  pis_ml  = Nc / Nc.sum()

#4. Plot the true GMM, ML trained GMM and the observations
t = np.linspace(-10,10,1000)
true_GMM_pdf = GMM_pdf(t, mus_true, vars_true, pis_true)
ml_GMM_pdf  = GMM_pdf(t, mus_ml, vars_ml, pis_ml);
plt.plot(t, true_GMM_pdf, 'gray')
plt.plot(t, ml_GMM_pdf, 'k')
plt.plot(x, np.zeros_like(x), '+k');

Variational Bayes update formulae

Here we summarize the VB update formulas which you need to implement:

  • For all c=1..C, update parameters of q(μc,λc)=NormalGamma(μc,λc|mc,κc,ac,bc,):
    where γnc are the responsibilities defined below in the update of q(zn). For the first VB iteration, use the responsibilities from the last iteration of the EM algorithm above (i.e. use the current setting of the variable 'gammas')
  • Update parameters of q(π)=Dir(π|α):
  • For all n=1..N, update distributions q(zn), which are the approximate posterior probabilities for assigning observations to Gaussian components (i.e. the responsibilities γnc):
    where ψ(a) is digamma function (e.g. scipy.special.digamma)
  • Iterate until the convergence (i.e. until there is not significant change when updating the parameters. Alternatively, you can try to derive and implement evaluation of the evidence lower bound function L(q(Y)) and use it to monitor the convergence).

In the equations abowe, parameters m0,κ0,a0,b0 are the parameters of the NormalGamma priors p(μc,λc). The same prior is used for all Gaussian components c{1..C}. Parameter α0 is the parameters of the Dirichlet prior distribution of the component weights p(π). Note that Dirichlet distribution is, in general, parametrized by vector α0. However, we set all its coefficients to the same value. Therefore only single scalar parameter α0.

For your VB-GMM implementation, use the following setting of the prior parameters!

In [2]:
# Parameters of NormalGamma prior over means (mu) and precision (lambda)
m0, kappa0, a0, b0=[0.0, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05] 

#Parameters of Dirichlet prior weights

Now, code the update formulas for the VB approximation.

  • Use the responsibilities (variable 'gammas') obtained from the ML training (EM algorithm implemented above) to initialize the assignments of observations to Gaussian components. This implies that we use the same number of Gaussian components C=6 as for the ML training.

  • Run iteratively the updates until the algorithm converges.

Once the VB model is trained:

  • Plot the estimated approximate distributions q(μc,λc) for all the Gaussian components c{1..C}. You can reuse the code for plotting NormalGamma distribution from bayesian_inference_for_gaussian.ipynb notebook.

  • Print also the vector of parameters α of the approximate posterior distribution of the weights q(π).

  • Analyze these results. What can you say about the obtained posteriors distributions? What do they represent? How do these posterior distribution compare to the parameter estimates obtained from the EM algorithm?

  • Generate several (say 50) samples from the approximate posterior distribution q(π,μ,λ)=q(π)c=1Cq(μc,λc). Each such sample is set of parameters of one GMM. Plot the GMM distributions corresponding to all the samples into a single figure. Comment on this plot. What do the individual GMM distributions represent?

  • Now, average all the GMM distributions from the previous step. Attention! Average the GMM distributions, not their parameters as sampled from q(π,μ,λ). What can you say about the obtained average distribution? What does it represent? Hint: We do similar averaging of GMMs in gs_gmm_training.ipynb.

In [3]:
#Your code goes here :)

Now estimate and plot the posterior predictive distribution using the following formula (Note that similar distribution is evaluated in each iteration of Collapsed Gibbs Sampling in gs_gmm_training.ipynb):


How does the resulting posterior predictive distribution compare to:

  • the true training data distribution
  • the GMM obtained using ML training (i.e. using EM algorithm)
  • the average of GMM distributions obtained in the previous step by sampling from q(π,μ,λ)
In [4]:
#Your code for posterior predictive distribution

Generate larger number of training observations (e.g. 1000 samples) from the true distribution (mus_true, vars_true, pis_true) and repeat the whole experiment once more with the larger amount of training data. Regenerate all the plots and comment on how they change from the previous experiments with smaller training data set.

In [5]:
#Your code

Try to implement as much as you can and answer ans many questions as you can. It is fine if you do not understand some questions or if you do not know some of the answers.