GALdemo: Graph algorithms simulator

  • Authors: Katarina Galanská (modularization + multilinguality, bachelor thesis, 2018), Jakub Varadinek (GUI, bachelor thesis, 2013)
  • Requirements: Java Runtime Environment 1.7??? (32-bit or 64-bit version of JRE)

Implementation Notes

How to install and start a new module (package) just from the running application?

java -jar galdemo.jar -console

How to start development of GALdemo project in Eclipse (in Slovak)

Požiadavky: Java 8, Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers 4.7.2 (dostupné na

Nastavenie Eclipse:

  1. File → Import → Plug-in Development → Plug-ins and Fragments → Next → Import From - Directory: vybrať priečinok source z Galdemo, Import As - vybrať Projects with source folders → Next → Add All → Finish
  2. Run → Run Configurations → vybrať OSGi Framework → v zozname z Target Platform zrušiť všetko → kliknúť Add Required Bundles
  3. Vybrať org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime,, org.eclipse.equinox.console, org.eclipse.osgi
  4. Pri moduloch Workspace zrušiť scc → Apply → Close
  5. program.locales/src.program.locales/ → right click → Build Path → Configure Build Path → Apply and Close
  6. program.locales/src.resources → right click → Build Path → Exclude
  7. program.locales/src.program.locales/ → riadok 20 prepísať hodnotu FILENAME zo “resources/bundle” na “src/resources/bundle”, zakomentovať riadok 23, na riadku 28 prepísať defaultLocale na currentLocale
  8. Nastavenie utf-8 kódovania: Window → Preferences → rozkliknúť General → Workspace → Text file encoding → Other → vybrať UTF-8 → Apply and Close
  9. Spustiť
students/xgalan02/galdemo.txt · Last modified: 2018/11/05 22:38 by krivka
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