
Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AbstractSymbolsProxy. Used for share a symbol table. Plugin creates this Symbols uses it
AbstractTableAbstractTable - parent for BuiltinTable and Table
BuiltinTables::AdTable - Little Endian - absolute address - dword
BuiltinTables::ApdTable - Little Endian - absolute segment address - word:dword
BuiltinTables::ApwTable - Little Endian - absolute segment address - word:word
BuiltinTables::AwTable - Little Endian - absolute address - word
BuiltinTables::BAdTable - Big Endian - absolute address - dword
BuiltinTables::BApdTable - Big Endian - absolute segment address - word:dword
BuiltinTables::BApwTable - Big Endian - absolute segment address - word:word
BuiltinTables::BAwTable - Big Endian - absolute address - word
BuiltinTables::BIbTable - Big Endian - immediate byte
BuiltinTables::BIbdTable - Big Endian - immediate byte as dword
BuiltinTables::BIbwTable - Big Endian - immediate byte as word
BuiltinTables::BIdTable - Big Endian - immediate dword
BinaryFileBinary File - base of a source file
BinFileDataBinary File Data. Used by Ev_GetAllSections
BuiltinTables::BIwTable - Big Endian - immediate word
BuiltinTables::BJbTable - Big Endian - relative address - byte
BuiltinTables::BJdTable - Big Endian - relative address - dword
BuiltinTables::BJwTable - Big Endian - relative address - word
BuiltinTableParent of all builtin tables
DecoderExceptionDecoder - no comment
DecoderInfoParameters for decoder
BuiltinTables::IbTable - Little Endian - immediate byte
BuiltinTables::IbdTable - Little Endian - immediate byte as dword
BuiltinTables::IbwTable - Little Endian - immediate byte as word
BuiltinTables::IdTable - Little Endian - immediate dword
InstructionSetInstructionSet. (Facade, Singleton)
BuiltinTables::IwTable - Little Endian - immediate word
BuiltinTables::JbTable - Little Endian - relative address - byte
BuiltinTables::JdTable - Little Endian - relative address - dword
BuiltinTables::JwTable - Little Endian - relative address - word
ParserCreates tables and variables
BuiltinTables::SBIbTable - Signed Big Endian - immediate byte
BuiltinTables::SBIbdTable - Signed Big Endian - immediate byte as dword
BuiltinTables::SBIbwTable - Signed Big Endian - immediate byte as word
BuiltinTables::SBIdTable - Signed Big Endian - immediate dword
BuiltinTables::SBIwTable - Signed Big Endian - immediate word
ScannerScans input for tokens
SectionClass used for disassembling. (Adapter for Decoder)
SectionDataA section object including only data
BuiltinTables::SIbTable - Signed Little Endian - immediate byte
BuiltinTables::SIbdTable - Signed Little Endian - immediate byte as dword
BuiltinTables::SIbwTable - Signed Little Endian - immediate byte as word
BuiltinTables::SIdTable - Signed Little Endian - immediate dword
BuiltinTables::SIwTable - Signed Little Endian - immediate word
SymbolsGateway to use loading symbols from plugin. (Singleton, Proxy between Decoder and Plugins)
TableTable with 256 items (TableItem). Item is indexed by a byte in data section
TableItemAn item of Table consisting of value and length array of decoded bytes
TablesMap of Table indexed by its name. (Builder)
Scanner::TokenToken type returned by Scanner
VariableVariable is value and default value for one variable
VariablesMap of Variable indexed by its name. (Builder)