

Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // symtable.cc
00002 //
00003 // uda - universal disassembler
00004 // Date: 2003-05-04
00005 //
00006 // Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Ales Smrcka 
00007 //
00008 // This program is licensed under GNU Library GPL. See the file COPYING.
00009 //
00010 // This module contains implementation of class Symbols - administration of symbols
00011 //
00013 #include "symtable.h"
00014 #include "shared.h"
00015 #include "plugins.h"
00016 #include "udaclasses.h"
00017 #include "instrset.h" //Instruction::Scanner()
00018 #include <string>
00019 #include <iomanip>
00020 #include <iostream>
00021 #include <fstream>
00022 using namespace std;
00024 Symbols *symbols=NULL;
00027 void Symbols::Load(const char *filename)
00028 {
00029     if (filename!=NULL)
00030     {
00031         Scanner scanner(filename);
00032         Scanner::Token t=scanner.Scan();
00033         Address addr;
00034         while (t)
00035         {
00036             if (t!=tk_number)
00037                 throw Exception(string("number expected in ")+filename+" at "+uint2str(scanner.line()));
00038             addr=t.int_value;
00039             t=scanner.Scan();
00040             if (t!=tk_equal)            
00041                 throw Exception(string("`=' expected in ")+filename+" at "+uint2str(scanner.line()));
00042             t=scanner.Scan();
00043             if (t!=tk_text)
00044                 throw Exception(string("\"text\" expected in ")+filename+" at "+uint2str(scanner.line()));
00045             symbols[addr]=t.str_value;
00046             t=scanner.Scan();
00047             if (t!=tk_semicol)
00048                 throw Exception(string("`;' expected in ")+filename+" at "+uint2str(scanner.line()));
00049             t=scanner.Scan();
00050         }
00051     }
00052     else
00053     {
00054         VPlugins::iterator i;
00055         for (i=plugins.begin();i!=plugins.end();i++)
00056             if ((*i)->type&PLUGIN_SYMTABLE)
00057                 if ((*i)->IsFileDefined(bfdata.name.c_str()))
00058                 {
00059                     (*i)->LoadSymbols(*this);
00060                     break;
00061                 }
00062     }
00063 }
00066 bool Symbols::checkaddress(const Address addr)
00067 {
00068     if (!defined(addr))
00069     {
00070         symbols[addr]="label"+::uint2str(_counter++);
00071         return false;
00072     }
00073     return true;
00074 }
00077 bool Symbols::defined(const Address addr)
00078 {
00079     return symbols.find(addr)!=symbols.end();
00080 }
00083 string &Symbols::operator[](const Address addr)
00084 {
00085     return symbols[addr];
00086 }
00089 //  find address corresponding to symbol
00090 Address Symbols::findaddress(const string symbol, bool &defined)
00091 {
00092     MSymbols::iterator i;
00093     for (i=symbols.begin();i!=symbols.end();i++)
00094         if (i->second==symbol)
00095         {
00096             defined=true;
00097             return i->first;
00098         }
00099     defined=false;
00100     return 0;
00101 }