=== Top of the Swiki === Attachments ===


Last word on official versions: take a look at MathMorphs' swiki

Download the last oficial version (currently 2.7) from http://mathMorphs.swiki.net

Download the last oficial version (currently 2.5) from http://sugarweb.com/Miniatures/files/Morphic/MorphicWrappers.zip. Version 2.5 works fine with Squeak 2.5 and Squeak 2.6.

You may want to see any object inside a World Morph, but it's not a good idea to make everything a subclass of Morph, so SUGAR presents MorphicWrappers.

A Morphic Wrapper knows how to represent any non-Morphic object in a World Morph. The authors think this is a good starting point for a Morphic replacement of Workspaces. Let them know what you think. They are LucianoEstebanNotarfrancesco and Gerardo Richarte.

In http://www.dm.uba.ar/mathMorphs you will ever find the latest version of the MorphicWrapper package.